We have are adding other Altcoins to Tagbond -
http://tagbond.com - You can now use it to sell, advertise and take payments for products and services in different altcoins, set up communities, promotions and give rewards/giveaways in alts, and shortly be able to trade it for any other coin or Fiat currency we have in the system. You can post personal classifieds (sell or auction type) as well as community tagverts (over 12 different types), and reward users for sharing them on Facebook or other sites.
The site is a combination of ideas from Google Adsense, Groupon and Paypal...
You can also use the Android apps we have in place, including a Tagbond Personal Cash app, that will let you quickly send amounts to any other Tagbond user. At any time you can deposit and withdraw DVC to and from your wallets.
We are still in beta, and still making changes daily so if there any tweaks to make let us know. I will list the coins added here, and will add more on suggestions from members.
BitCoin - BTC
TagCoin - TAG
LiteCoin - LTC
PeerCoin - PPC
PrimeCoin - XPM
StableCoin - SBC
DevCoin - DVC
QuarkCoin - (QRK)
DigitalCoin - (DGC)
Datacoin - (DTC)
Feathercoin - (FTC)
MegaCoin - (MEC)
Novacoin - (NVC)
Cryptogenic Bullion - (CGB)
Florincoin - (FLO)
Dogecoin - (DOGE)
Earthcoin - (EAC)