If you cannot properly disseminate information, then you deserve to lose money. This "list" will not be helpful to anyone, because FUDsters sometimes do make very valid points at times.
I would go one step further - 99% of the people on this very forum are fudsters in one way or another. The moment you speak negatively about a coin that has ZERO issues you are fudding. Its simple as that.
This topic just screams of someone still holding a big bag of "insert" coin and lost the value due to FUD - nothing more nothing less move along folks.
What I am trying to point out here are "KNOWN" FUDSTERS who have almost incessant acts of fudding, much like one has "tourette syndrome" on some list of "coins".
No I agree with you, I dont know how old you are but in the past ANY black lists are ALWAYS a bad idea. Always. Even if the intention is good. I am just saying after a while in this world and trollboxes you know full well who is full of it and not, who is a day trader and who isnt. You dont need a list because - I have like 10 accounts just on this forum alone. You know.
One day, when the real people with money starting coming in here and outnumbering the turds - once all the shit has been cleaned out all these kids with their pocket change will go. And thats where all the bs,scam,fud is coming from - someone loses money in a dip - start a fud campaign on the coin taking the volume. Much like the dark dev having a cry on twiter about XC and the shitstorm it caused. - wasnt needed - pure jealousy.
See it recognize it, profit - that is how I make most of my cash these days. Playing the fudsters against each other. In the real world stock has to have more real assets/has to work etc. In this world no one cares about the coins innovation anymore, everyone cries at a premine - everyone cries at short pow - only kids do because they have an addhd attention span.
My example, I will go into other coin threads to fudd them WHEN they come into threads on coins I am a supporter of JUST TO FUD. Ill admit I have curbed this shit lately as I am not 12.