It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Symbol Name DASH DigitalCash (DASH) CRAIG CraigsCoin (CRAIG) XBS Bitstake (XBS) GIVE GiveCoin (GIVE) SPR Spreadcoin (SPR) WOLF Insanity Coin (WOLF) 2015 2015 coin (2015) BLU BlueCoin (BLU) LIMX LimeCoinX (LIMX) CANN CannabisCoin (CANN) CNL ConcealCoin (CNL) CRACK CrackCoin (CRACK) CRYPT CryptCoin (CRYPT) DRKC DarkCash (DRKC) FC2 Fuel2Coin (FC2) FRAC FractalCoin (FRAC) GLYPH GlyphCoin (GLYPH) GUE GuerillaCoin (GUE) HYP Hyperstake (HYP) IOC IOCoin (IOC) JBS JumBucks Coin (JBS) LTCX LitecoinX (LTCX) LXC LibrexCoin (LXC) MIN Minerals Coin (MIN) MYST* MysteryCoin (MYST*) SUPER SuperCoin (SUPER) SYNC SyncCoin (SYNC) TOR TorCoin (TOR) URO UroCoin (URO) VDO VidioCoin (VDO) VOOT VootCoin (VOOT) XAI SapienceCoin (XAI) XC X11 Coin (XC) XLB LibertyCoin (XLB) ZRC* ZiftrCoin (ZRC*) START StartCoin (START) AMBER AmberCoin (AMBER) NKT NakomotoDark (NKT) MTR MasterTraderCoin (MTR) BBR Boolberry (BBR) SMAC Social Media Coin (SMAC) TRK TruckCoin (TRK) U Ucoin (U) GSM GSM Coin (GSM) GIG GigCoin (GIG) PINK PinkCoin (PINK) CHILD ChildCoin (CHILD) ROS ROS Coin (ROS) GAIA GAIA Platform (GAIA) TRUST TrustPlus (TRUST) CYC ConSpiracy Coin (CYC) CAM Camcoin (CAM) ICASH ICASH (ICASH) MRS MarsCoin (MRS) ISL IslaCoin (ISL) QSLV Quicksilver coin (QSLV) XNA DeOxyRibose (XNA) FCS CryptoFocus (FCS) EAGS EagsCoin (EAGS) MWC MultiWallet Coin (MWC) MARS MarsCoin (MARS) XMS Megastake (XMS) BTX* BitcoinTX (BTX*) MRP MorpheusCoin (MRP) CREVA Creva Coin (CREVA) XFC Forever Coin (XFC) BSC BowsCoin (BSC) SQL Squall Coin (SQL) PIGGY Piggy Coin (PIGGY) MIL Milllionaire Coin (MIL) GP GoldPieces (GP) CHIP Chip (CHIP) UNC UnCoin (UNC) SNRG Synergy (SNRG) MAPC MapCoin (MAPC) TX Transfer (TX) BST BitStone (BST) PXI Prime-X1 (PXI) CPC CapriCoin (CPC) MND MindCoin (MND) CRBIT Creditbit (CRBIT) HTC Hitcoin (HTC) INFX Influxcoin (INFX) SSTC SunShotCoin (SSTC) ADZ Adzcoin (ADZ) ERC EuropeCoin (ERC) MEME Pepe (MEME) XDB DragonSphere (XDB) CV2 ColossusCoin2.0 (CV2) AEC AcesCoin (AEC) CYG Cygnus (CYG) LGBTQ LGBTQoin (LGBTQ) BOLI BolivarCoin (BOLI) GIZ GIZMOcoin (GIZ) DISK Dark Lisk (DISK) SCRT SecretCoin (SCRT) XRA Ratecoin (XRA) WMC WMCoin (WMC) PBC PabyosiCoin (PBC) OBS Obscurebay (OBS) INCP InceptionCoin (INCP) EVIL EvilCoin (EVIL) BSD BitSend (BSD) PIZZA PizzaCoin (PIZZA) LC Lutetium Coin (LC) GB GoldBlocks (GB) SYNX Syndicate (SYNX) EDR E-Dinar Coin (EDR) WAY WayCoin (WAY) ATM Autumncoin (ATM) STO Save The Ocean (STO) FTP FuturePoints (FTP) TELL Tellurion (TELL) MST MustangCoin (MST) DCK DickCoin (DCK) B3 B3 Coin (B3) PIO Pioneershares (PIO) GAY GayCoin (GAY) PSI PSIcoin (PSI) XBTS Beats (XBTS) FIT Fitcoin (FIT) SPORT SportsCoin (SPORT) HALLO Halloween Coin (HALLO) INV Invictus (INV) OLYMP OlympCoin (OLYMP) JOBS JobsCoin (JOBS) DGORE DogeGoreCoin (DGORE) CRNK CrankCoin (CRNK) BS BlackShadowCoin (BS) BRAIN BrainCoin (BRAIN) KRC KRCoin (KRC) LFC BigLifeCoin (LFC) PEC PeaceCoin (PEC) 32BIT 32Bitcoin (32BIT) AND AndromedaCoin (AND) PCS Pabyosi Coin (PCS) IFLT InflationCoin (IFLT) WASH WashingtonCoin (WASH) INSANE InsaneCoin (INSANE) DOGETH EtherDoge (DOGETH) 365 365Coin (365) BOSON BosonCoin (BOSON) ATX ArtexCoin (ATX) DLR DollarOnline (DLR) XEN XenixCoin (XEN) IW iWallet (IW) KURT Kurrent (KURT) ENT Eternity (ENT) BamitCoin BAM (BAM) BSTAR Blackstar (BSTAR) XNG Enigma (XNG) LOOK LookCoin (LOOK) MIS MIScoin (MIS) WOP WorldPay (WOP) IN InCoin (IN) OPTION OptionCoin (OPTION) ASAFE Allsafe (ASAFE) QBC Quebecoin (QBC) RNC ReturnCoin (RNC) TWIST TwisterCoin (TWIST) PAYP PayPeer (PAYP) DETH DarkEther (DETH) CRPS CryptoPennies (CRPS) NTCC NeptuneClassic (NTCC) KUSH KushCoin (KUSH) ERY Eryllium (ERY) BTZ BitzCoin (BTZ) MAR MarijuanaCoin (MAR) MARX MarxCoin (MARX) JANE JaneCoin (JANE) MM MasterMint (MM) NDOGE NinjaDoge (NDOGE) UAEC United Arab Emirates Coin (UAEC) STALIN StalinCoin (STALIN) VLTC VaultCoin (VLTC) BNX BnrtxCoin (BNX) XVP VirtacoinPlus (XVP) IMX Impact (IMX) BNB* Boats and Bitches (BNB*) HPC HappyCoin (HPC) EMPC EmporiumCoin (EMPC) RAIN Condensate (RAIN) WSX WeAreSatoshi (WSX) CNT Centurion (CNT) XGR GoldReserve (XGR) ZSE ZSEcoin (ZSE) TAP TappingCoin (TAP) INSN Insane Coin (INSN) DP DigitalPrice (DP) OTX Octanox (OTX) ARC* ArcticCoin (ARC*) SAND BeachCoin (SAND) DAS DAS (DAS) ONX Onix (ONX) CRM Cream (CRM) XMCC MonacoCoin (XMCC) WRT WRTcoin (WRT) |