That I am aware of,
1. Accumulation: Buying in usually even increments, say once a week. Often in smaller amounts and sometimes without regard to the current market conditions. But can also just mean buying regularly and not selling.
2. Buy the dip: Also known as, Buy low, Sell high. Buying when the market crashes. The challenge is trying to time the bottom and the top. However, a "dip buyer", more commonly known as "Dippers", may buy at the bottom and sell at a profit without concern for whether it's the top or not.
3. The Hodler: Buy and wait. For some, this means 4 months, and to others, for their grandchildren. But either way, it's safe to say the hodler plans to hang on for a while. This type of trader is known to check the market less often. Especially when it's down. The ups and downs don't bother them because they're in it for the long haul.
4. The day trader: This unique brand of trader tries to make profit on a short term basis. Some would agrue daily and some would say weekly but either way, they expect very short term gains. there are a variety of different day traders.
What techniques are you aware of. Any personal faves?
Buy the dip is the best technique in the trading to make more money and it can also before long and short term earnings it all depends on which coin we are holding but normally long term will give profits with less risks.And day trading is not suitable for everyone because the risk is high and it won't give any benefits like the holding of the cryptos it can be considered as job and we have to give more time to do day trading.
there is also not really a technique but taking advantage its called arbitage its buying the coins on the other exchange that has the biggest price difference let say iota price on binance is 13$ and meanwhile on kucoin is 12$ you buy the iota on kucoin and sell it on binance for 1$ difference profit, although its sounds like 100% guarantee profit its not it still carries a risk you can still lose money.
We can say it as a technique too if we have huge capital then we can earn money without any efforts but we also be aware of the transaction time if it takes too much time for withdrawal then the price and profits will change.