@SpartakI don't expect you to EVER get it.. you are clearly a lost cause i figured out long ago.
You are like the majority here stuck like a broken record.
Your quotes posted don't prove he's trolling.
It proves he is likely being manipulative.. and that is not trolling.
Guys you are pathetic idiots.
When you can't use the correct terms for the correct actions then sorry i think your a dipshit.
And that what i just said has got me a called a Troll many times too..
But once again.. It's not
Because you are idiots LOL
And i am genuinely convinced the majority here are morons.
I am not saying it to be a jerk or "get a rise out of people".
Which is the fundamental criteria for someone to be considered trolling.
All you do is continue on harping away cawing like a crow your same stupid bullshit.
No matter how wrong it is.
Reality Check RETARDS
Some guys opinion does not equal Trolling.
Sorry but it doesn't.
End of fucking story.
Don't like their opinion then tough fucking titty whiny little shits.
Suck it up and move on with your life.
I just finished explaining this to a moron on IMDB's forums 2 days ago..
Then I just finished saying this same god damn fucking rant to a moron on some heavy metal blog web site last night too.
And after that i had to post this same god damn rant at some idiot in the Politics section (again)
..to a guy who HAS been trolling !
For fuck sake's i have been saying it since i registered here almost 10,000 comments ago
It was one of my first few posts here on the forum.
AND you morons across the web STILL don't get it.
Each Troll accusation situation has to be looked at carefully.
i know this guy we're talking about ..i have commented on tons of his Litecoin topics before.
So i seen what he is up to..
He is trying to be funny and trying to sort of be manipulative AND..
He is doing what ALL OF YOU do here 24/7 all year round.
Which is ?
Post comments to sway the public for or against some coin.
He is just doing what you all do but doing it with a more OBVIOUS tongue in cheek style.
A more blatant obvious i am fucking with you style for a laugh.
And trying to make YOU laugh is not trolling morons.
That is called being a comedian.
I don't think the large volume of comments i have seen guy post on LTC the last 2 years have all been about
Simply trying to piss off the LTC community to get a rise out of them.
I think his comments have been because he is either selling or buying.
And there for trying to get the coins to be worth more or less for HIS AGENDA.
While trying to be funny doing it.
And he is funny.. I LOL'd
Apparently some of you STILL have no sense of humorAnd at the drop of a hat chant Troll & FUD here..
So much it's like crying wolf !
What are you going to do when a REAL "Troll" shows up ?
Piss yourself and curl up in ball crying ? hahhahahYou guys THINK your smart.
Your not.Get smarter ..i don't want to have to keep telling you all to smarten up (it's exhausting)
If your a moron maybe just keep quiet.. keep your idiocy down to a dull roar please.
Some of us smart people are trying to talk.
And by the way..I don't care if he wants to come here and say he was in fact TROLLING all along.
That would make no difference at all what so ever.
Because he wasn't.
An analysis has to be performed on the data given at the time.
You can't simply add more data into the results after a conclusion has been made on the previous data.
Comprende dumb fucks ?