I just stumbled across a topic from late dec. last year, and while I really feel sorry for the OP, it shows that most of them do not want to realise how bad LTC is performing since last year.
Ok, if you bought in at a few cents it's easy to keep calm, but those poor guys who got sucked into that bubble are paying with hard money. I think my favourite part in that thread was "tell your friends and family to buy LTC..." hell, they would beat the shit out of me right now! but maybe I'm wrong and it's really just the calm before the storm and LTC will explode to $100. while I really doubt that, I kinda wish that it happens. not for the majority of the ltc holders, but for guys like the OP of the mentioned topic.
you are looking only short term guy... it will raise with btc like silver with gold.
whoever still really believes in that (even that the charts are clearly telling otherwise), has learned nothing in the last months. and please, stop with that gold/silver crap. physical gold/silver is about purchasing power in really bad times (which hopefully never happen). I don't think you would be able to buy bread with LTC (or any other crypto) in WW3
what are months? nothing...