If 75% of the LTC miners are dumb enough to activate segwit.
Once LN has Offchain LTC , that is faster & cheaper than your Onchain LTC,
Why would anyone ever bother to use your Onchain LTC?
I mention this , because when no one uses your Onchain LTC and the Block rewards are dimished, and LN is raking in all of the transaction fees,
How do you expect to make enough money to keep being an LTC miner?
The above questions is what all of these segwit fanatics completely ignore.
There is a reason segwit can't get higher than 30% on the BTC network,
their miners know LN is a hostile takeover of their coin , so they refuse segwit.
As I explained above the concern about fees comes from the Lightning Network not Segwit. The LN can be activated without segwit so not sure why you think it's important to segwit signalling. Also your question why miners don't need to fear the LN was also answered. Please feel free to read and respond.
Maybe you can explain why you think the pennies LTC miners earn on fees should encourage them to abandon the potential to scale and the resulting increase in value if adoption occurs. You might also explain why if adoption fails the LN network is even a threat since all the providers will go bankrupt.
Whether you know it or not you stated an OUTRIGHT LIE.
This is a LIE =>LN can be activated without segwit
A LN that is TRUSTLESS, which is what they are Promising , CAN NOT BE ACTIVATED WITHOUT SEGWIT!!
Preventing them from getting stuck permanently requires either introducing trust (which we don't want to do) or setting some annoying timeouts that limit the efficiency of channels.
So if segwit fails to be activated which it will, and you use LN without segwit , their is a very real Chance your BTC gets Locked forever with no way to retrieve it.
That is funny.
Now we know why they are not running LN, it loses the BTC and makes it irretrievable.
OBSERVE the THUNDER NETWORK (LN Clone) at least they ADMIT the TRUTH.
Thunder Network (At least they admit they need segwit.)
So, the current Thunder prototype is best suited for transactions among a trusted network of users.
Try this amongst your dev team or amongst your trusted internet friends, but don’t use it for real payments.
Remember: this is alpha testing software.