Satoshi is rolling over in his grave, the Banking Cartels will have destroyed everything he set out to do.
That said, bitcoin (and yes, also LTC) contained this in its initial design anyhow. This is why I claim that bitcoin's design wasn't set up to do what was claimed it would do. Whether that was clumsiness or on evil purpose, I leave in the middle (though I tend to think the former).
The questions what everyone has wondered for years is...... What was Bitcoins real sole purpose and evolution in Satoshi's eyes when he created it, the communities involvement upon release, then his departure + what the Core Developers think with their ideas.
Was it just another one of those online Internet Tokens/Virtual Currencies that came and went in the early 90's - 2000's but this time by one of the said failed projects collaborators ?
Things back then on the internet were ahead of their time before the mass adoption of broadband internet..... just saying.
Then compare the scenario to that of Charlie Lee and Litecoin with the eruption of Bitcoin and putting a real Name & Face to a Coin.
Satoshi..... Charlie.....
One is said to be a descendant of Asian Heritage & the other has been confirmed as to being from Asian Heritage..... Coincidence ?