
Topic: Litecoin's Astro chart - page 3. (Read 26489 times)

Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
March 02, 2014, 04:12:22 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast, for Monday, 3rd March 2014

They say, 'Out of sight is out of mind.' That may be so, but when we ignore matters that we ought to be paying attention to, they have a tendency to get worse while our backs are turned. This week, you have to look at an issue you have been avoiding. You have, indeed, been avoiding it so successfully that you have almost forgotten all about it. You may not be entirely delighted about receiving your reminder. But once you get over that initial reaction, you will discover it has come in time for you to do something constructive.

Litecoin's Weekly Outlook from 3rd March

If you're willing to learn from life, to be flexible enough, then you can make significant progress. You just need to be secure enough in your identity that you can take feedback from others. Try to see where you could alter course just a little bit, whether it's in your behaviour or your attitudes. Then the way ahead will clear quickly. If you're imaginative you should get projects forging ahead. Mars will be pushing you into being more energetic.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 28, 2014, 08:15:27 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Friday, February 28th

It is time to grab this coming weekend firmly by the scruff of the neck and give it a good talking to. It is already displaying a worryingly suspicious tendency to present you with issues you would prefer not to encounter or situations that do not match your idea of what is desirable. It needs to be told who is boss. Make your mark on it. Actively pursue the ambition that you are reluctant to make a commitment to. Set in motion a process that will take you further down the only road you now actually wish to travel.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 26, 2014, 05:13:42 AM
Litecoin's Horoscope for Wednesday, February 26th

What are you doing? Why are you doing it? What does it all mean? Your views are changing now, as are your needs. You are no longer obliged to keep wrestling with the same old problem. You are free now from a commitment that has begun to seem like a ball and chain around your ankles. If you don't yet feel liberated and elevated, let a little more time pass. It may be that you are only escaping slowly. Very soon, though, you will gain a new idea of 'what it's all about.' And that will make you much happier.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 25, 2014, 07:27:21 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Tuesday, February 25th

We all begin life as babies. But we do not all end it as old folk! Even if we live to a ripe age, we can stay young at heart. By eschewing complaint and criticism in favour of tolerance and appreciation, we can avoid growing sour, stroppy and set in our ways. This in turn will keep us looking and feeling fresh and attractive. Embrace your most childlike qualities now and you will easily cope with a potentially draining difficulty. Feeding a sense of resentment will make matters worse. Fostering a spirit of trust will make them better.

Litecoin's Horoscope for week of February 27, 2014

   If you are the type of person who wears gloves when you throw snowballs, Germans would call you Handschuhschneeballwerfer. They use the same word as slang to mean "coward." I'm hoping that in the coming days you won't display any behavior that would justify you being called Handschuhschneeballwerfer. You need to bring a raw, direct, straightforward attitude to everything you do. You shouldn't rely on any buffers, surrogates, or intermediaries. Metaphorically speaking, make sure that nothing comes between your bare hands and the pure snow.

Longterm ltc Log Chart - This thread started 1st March 2013

Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 22, 2014, 08:27:41 AM
The Week Ahead for everyone in general atm

Towards the end of the week, Mercury reaches the end of its recent retrograde phase while Jupiter completes an alignment that it has been slowly moving into for some while as it fully forms a right angle (or square) to the planet Uranus. The former development suggests imminent improvement in all areas where contractual negotiations have been difficult or commercial transactions have been delayed. The second speaks of radical innovation, brilliant invention and a challenge to tradition. For rebels and revolutionaries, as well as for those who seek technological breakthroughs, long overdue change may soon be on the way.

Litecoin's Week Ahead for Saturday, 22 February 2014

Should you sit in a quiet corner, waiting for an invitation? Or should you go out in search of what you need? An active approach will compromise your privacy. Others will be able to see what you are up to. A passive approach may preserve your dignity but it reduces the chance of progress. The taxi of opportunity rarely stops and knocks on doors. It cruises the street of possibility, offering its services to those who are standing, waiting, determinedly poised to flag it down. Put yourself where help can reach you this week.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 21, 2014, 07:27:05 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Friday, February 21th

I must apologise to any athletes who have been following this forecast lately. You will have seen me explaining the difference between a short sprint and a marathon. You may well have realised that I'm not talking from personal experience. But even if I have been sketchy on the detail, I am right about the principle. And this continues to hold true over the coming weekend. You are heading as fast as you feasibly can towards attaining an important goal. If you push yourself any harder, you will create unnecessary pressure. Go steady.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 20, 2014, 05:41:24 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Thursday, February 20th

In a short sprint a runner must try to take the lead as quickly as possible and then maintain maximum velocity. Marathon participants may well prefer the psychological advantage of staying in the lead but it is not their only consideration. If overtaken by an unfeasibly fast challenger, they would be silly to try to match their pace. That will simply compromise their ability to sustain a steady effort. Remember this as you now consider the way in which it may seem as if you are falling behind in your attempt to reach a goal.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 19, 2014, 02:00:15 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Wednesday, February 19th

You will get from A to B. You will make good time too. Or at least you will, as long as you remember to respect the distance between these two points. They are not quite as close to each other as they may seem. Or even if they are (to continue with the marathon analogy that I offered you yesterday), the points are at either end of a circular route that must be properly followed. A short-cut will bring disqualification. It isn't easy to stay on a long course. It requires strategy and stamina. But you are still in with a fine chance of winning.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 18, 2014, 05:12:21 AM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of February 20, 2013

In the savannas of Africa, waterholes are crucial for life. During the rainy season, there are enough to go around for every animal species to drink and bathe in comfortably. But the dry season shrinks the size and number of the waterholes. The impala may have to share with the hippopotamus, the giraffe with the warthog. Let's use this as a metaphor to speculate about your future. I'm guessing that the dry season will soon be arriving in your part of the world. The waterholes may dwindle. But that could ultimately prove to be a lucky development, because it will bring you into contact with interesting life forms you might not have otherwise met. Unexpected new alliances could emerge.


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"The seed cannot sprout upwards without simultaneously sending roots into the ground," says an Egyptian proverb. Keep that thought in mind as you head into your next phase of growth. What part of you needs to deepen as you rise up? What growth needs to unfold in the hidden places as you gravitate toward the light? How can you go about balancing and stabilizing your ascension with a downward penetration?
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 18, 2014, 05:00:25 AM
Litecoin's Horoscope, #2, for Tuesday, February 18th

Into a hard working few weeks you'll be practical & more than usually keen to get details in the right place. You'll be less worried about getting praise, than in being helpful and being of service. And in a strange way because you are not aiming for it success will come your way more easily. So you might as well make hay while the sun shines. A growing appreciation of your talents will have you beaming with pleasure and a certain amount of relief.
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 500
February 18, 2014, 04:51:52 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Tuesday, February 18th

A sprinter and a marathon runner may both appear to be doing something similar when you first observe them. Many are capable of rising to either challenge. But one competition involves a short burst of racing at the highest possible speed, where the other is an art that requires much more careful timing and pacing. To be in with a real chance of success, you have got to know what kind of event you are taking part in and foster the appropriate mental attitude. You are playing a long game now.

litecoin's journey is a long and hard one , kinda like my penis .
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 18, 2014, 04:47:15 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Tuesday, February 18th

A sprinter and a marathon runner may both appear to be doing something similar when you first observe them. Many are capable of rising to either challenge. But one competition involves a short burst of racing at the highest possible speed, where the other is an art that requires much more careful timing and pacing. To be in with a real chance of success, you have got to know what kind of event you are taking part in and foster the appropriate mental attitude. You are playing a long game now.

Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 17, 2014, 11:10:44 AM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Monday, February 17th

When Mars visits a sign for just a couple of months (as it usually does), astrologers know to alert all born under that sign to the arrival of a busy phase. We will say things like, 'expect rapid progress alongside a time of tense urgency.' But this visit of Mars to Libra goes on for half a year. We have now reached the point where normally it would be over but still, it has only just begun! We therefore need to talk about how you pace yourself and take advantage of the occasional lull, rather than seeing this as a setback. More on this tomorrow.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 16, 2014, 03:28:03 AM
Litecoin, Your week ahead, Sunday, 16 February 2014

Life should become less stressful soon. Though you feel a strong need to keep a close eye on a certain person or situation, you have good reason to suspect that, for the time being at least, all is as it should be. You don't need to watch every development like a hawk. It's sufficient now just to be alert enough to spot any sudden movement or seemingly strange occurrence. Keep ten per cent of your attention on that key matter and turn the rest to the more pleasant business of enjoying a rare, special opportunity
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 11, 2014, 04:37:30 PM
Lietcoin's Horoscope for Tuesday, February 11th

This isn't a day to expect huge amounts of generosity, or support from other people. You may have to work more on your own. But instead of getting into a gripe and a groan, see where you can use the time wisely to achieve a little more. Focus on narrow tasks that require attention to detail. You'll know you have to be sensible about cash but money like all energy needs to be able to flow. Hang on too tightly and you can stop it coming towards you.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 10, 2014, 04:28:26 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for Monday, February 10th

The world's most expensive remote-controlled toy car is currently sitting on a big red rock that is passing through your sign, preparing to ascend a small sand dune. The operators of the Curiosity Mars rover at NASA are wondering if the tyres are strong enough to withstand contact with any rocks beneath that sand. There is, of course, only one way they will find out. And with that, we must turn to your greatest challenge this week. It is time to stop wondering what will happen 'if this' or 'if that' and to begin an experiment.

Litecoin's Horoscope for Tuesday, February 11th

Sceptics love to question how a distant world like Mars can influence events on Earth. But we do now know that events on Earth can affect events on Mars. This point is neatly proven every time the technicians at NASA operate the controls that drive the Curiosity Mars rover across the red planet. How hard can it be to envisage that radio waves are not the only form of two-way communication through space? Meanwhile, don't underestimate your own ability to exert a big influence on something seemingly remote.

Litecoin's monthly Horoscope for February

Unlike other signs you come to life in February as you throw yourself with wholehearted exuberance into a round of fun social events. Your obvious self confidence will rub off at work as well so you'll be the centre of attention and receiving compliments. Just have a care that you don't overspend in pursuit of all this enjoyment since there'll be a hint of a setback on the cash front around the 11th. Happily with Mars in your own sign for months ahead you won't let temporary obstacles get in your way. You've got courage, drive and that sparkle of determination in your eye. The Pisces Sun after the 18th hints that more work less play will be on the agenda for the next four weeks. Though at times your energy may sag so pace yourself.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 08, 2014, 10:56:51 PM
Litecoin, your week ahead, Saturday, 8 February 2014

Think of this forecast as a 'traffic report'. The main road from here to the place you want to reach may be blocked. Traffic is due to tail back for miles. But there is another route. You can acquire enough local knowledge to work this out. You may have to go a few extra miles - but your destination is attainable. Don't worry about what seemingly can't be done. With Mars still in your sign, now edging into a state of harmony with the Sun, you just need to make a few adjustments in the light of changing circumstances.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
February 03, 2014, 03:19:17 PM
This is the strangest thing I've ever seen.  Do you have any marijuana to go along with this presentation?
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
February 03, 2014, 03:06:14 PM
Litecoin's Zodiac Forecast for Monday, 3 February 2014

Life is cyclical and seasonal. Even in lands where this isn't so immediately obvious from the changes in nature, we can observe this phenomenon by watching the changes in human nature. We are now arriving at an important moment where the hidden rhythms alter for all who share your sign. You are emerging from a prolonged phase during which you must often have felt as if you were trying to run up a descending escalator. Now it is as if a switch has been thrown, making what was once difficult seem surprisingly easy.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1167
January 28, 2014, 04:44:19 PM
Litecoin's Horoscope for week of January 30, 2014

   Kenneth Rexroth wrote a poem called "A Sword in a Cloud of Light." I want to borrow that image. According to my astrological analysis and poetic intuition, you will generate the exact power you need in the coming weeks by imprinting your imagination with a vision of a sword in a cloud of light. I don't want to get too intellectual about the reasons why, but I will say this: The cloud of light represents your noble purpose or your sacred aspiration. The sword is a metaphor to symbolize the new ferocity you will invoke as you implement the next step of your noble purpose or sacred aspiration.
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