Always invest for a long time, that is the only suggestion from me. If you can hold your coins for a long time you can make profit.
I hope that it gets to a point where it will be much better for all of us and we won't need to cash it out. But, if we ever need to cash it out for our family then there is no discussion for me, I will just sell all of it. There are priorities in life and family is much more important than getting rich, sure they would benefit if you get rich, but no reason to put them in poverty until you do.
Another thing is the opportunity to invest in bitcoin is always there, if you can't invest now, when you have money you can invest later, it's never too late to invest. Getting rich is a long road, it's a process, and we can't build it in a few days, so we have plenty of opportunities to do it. I also think like you, children and family should always come first, children should not go hungry just because we are saving trying to build a portfolio.
People who says that it is already too late to make an investment, is the people who do not know how to see opportunities. They didn't train their mind to see those perfect time to purchase bitcoin and other asset. In order to train our mind, you should take note that it requires hard work and consistency. You cannot become great investor if you just study 1-3 days, you need a lot of time and for me it requires months of even years just to have the knowledge you must have in order to make gains consistently.
We also have to admit that the earlier an investment is made, the higher the chance of a return, but that does not mean that the later investment will not receive a good return. There were many people who entered the market much earlier than us, but they left the market when the bear season arrived. But if we entered after them and have confidence in the market, we keep holding despite the market crash, then I believe our profits are second to none.
My investment motto is: It doesn't matter whether you enter the market sooner or later, what matters is how long you will stick with it.