The ones that were seized from Silk Road are tainted, however they also were auctioned by the US govt, so what about that taint ?
It went away and there is not a single satoshi from that pot that is considered "deviant" today.
It's the same as banknotes, really, except cash is not traceable. There is no way to avoid this as the quantity of BTC is finite and they are doomed to go in circles.
I am planning to release loaded Coldkeys in the very near future.
We will be funding them with some of the BTC that was received by our company as payments.
That's a good point yogg, funds traceable to silk road sales would fall in this category but they werent tainted enough to recirculate There is no easy way to pinpoint who would be a "good guy" with tainted btc and who is really a "bad guy" with tainted money just like with good ol fiat. That being said I wish another company would come out and sell fresh coins like btcc did.
Making BTCC chips and coins unique.