Who gets a loan, repays it, then with in a few hours or days gets another bigger loan? If the person can repay the loan and then with in a short time requests for another one, it means that they never needed that loan in the first place. They are probably just building trust so that they can scam later on
This is becoming popular and is no longer surprising. I have not looked at his account yet, whether he started as a newbie or joined the forum as a newbie who teaches investments. And did this account develop as a farm? However, increasing loans to get more is an old game of scammers, which, as we see, works well on the forum. I recently wrote about one account that follows this theme, returning and immediately borrowing a loan.
Likewise, I would take note of those accounts that ask for a
loan weekly, creating small requests and regularly returning them within 7–10 days. One day, such accounts will ask for more and will not return, and now their behavior is just a "blindfold" to distract attention.
We cannot stop those who believe and provide loans, but sometimes it seems that these people do not count their money at all, either because of their large amount or inattention. Probably, it is not worth "sprinkling salt on the wound," but the more such losses, the more carefully you need to "trust" your money.