As a person, I'm using minimal resources in order to bring about a change in society. Is the cotton tent I plan on living in made from fibers from earth? Yes. Does the 77 pound tent use nearly as much resources as a 100 ton house? No.
The major issue is that we are not living our own lives, we are living a facade for the will of something other than us. If we all did what made us happy, by helping others, we wouldn't have the problems we have in the world today. We wouldn't have these trillion dollar big pharma, big oil and big banking industries. We wouldn't have war. We would have prosperity and progression. Such a gross amount of energy is going towards consumptuous life styles and building an exponentially growing society that is completely out of line with nature. The average person leaves a negative footprint on the world, I'm doing my best to live a simplistic life while contributing to others by creating food, music and ideas for a better world.
Do I use things that were made by society? Yes. I wear shoes, I wear pants, shirts, underwear all manufactured by large corporations. I ride a motorcycle manufactured in Japan because that's what society offered. The society I was born into was molded this way, so I am working with what I have.
I have a Fender Strat and Marshall amplifier, both of which I'm sure are registered as incorporation, but I am utilizing these tools to distribute a positive message of love through music.
I'm going to organize a music festival of a large scale, that will use a 140' stage, over 100 array speakers, 100 lights, a large LED video wall and a shit ton of porta pottys, all manufactured by companies.
You fall short to see the intentions of my life. I'm living to make a positive change. I have handed my life into the will of god, which is why I can do the things I do without fear. I have nothing but faith, and as every day passes, that power only grows.
Don't think I think you're all horrible people for consuming earth and building society as you did, I don't. We all do the best we can with the information given. You did your best, just as I did my best when conducting my business with squall. Now that doesn't mean we should close ourselves off from growing and learning. Change is hard to do, that's human nature, but when presented with a higher understanding of life and how it could be, we oughta strive to manifest it into reality, not cling to the way it is. If we always held onto the past, we would never move forward through time.
I believe everyone is a good person deep down. What matters is if you believe you're a good person, not what you think but what you believe.
We had to make society the way it is for it to be as it is now. We needed people like Hitler, Bush and Obama. We needed them to fuck things up a bit for us to become aware of the nature of the world and learn from it. We needed WWII to give birth to the counter culture in the 60's. We need error in human life to learn as a species and grow. It is the human experience. It is all perfect is you truly see it so. But at some point, we need to simply man up and take the information we have learned and do something with it. We needed to create and destroy earth in order to develop intellectually to where we are now. But now that we have found a higher level of understanding, with the power of the internet, psychedelics and the will of youth, we need to do something with it.
Rather than living the same pattern of a life indefinitely until you die, let's create a new way of life. Let's create a world where people don't die. I know it's possible, I know how to do it, I know I will not die, so let's stop the stupid games of judgment and doubt. Take a step back and find some humility. We all make mistakes, we all are wrong. I have been wrong so many times in my life, but the only thing that matters is that I have acknowledged when I was wrong and only once you see and accept your misconceptions can you find the truth. If you cling to the delusion you were brought up with forever, you will never find the true state of reality.
Why can't we love each other? Why can't we be friends? Why can't you ask questions rather than call names? Why can't we be the product of millions of years of evolution that we are?