Even though the loans are very cheap nowadays, I still not encourage people to buy bitcoin by having a loans because at the end of the day debts will be debts and what if bitcoin suddenly dumps? Your loans and investments will be go to nothing.
There are people in the lending section I often see taking loans at high interest rates and I think most of them do so for gambling and if someone can take loans for gambling then it is at least million times better to take loans for buying Bitcoins. Yes there is a risk, but even if you start your own company by taking loan from banks, risk exist there too. Risks must be taken after comparing the rewards as opposed to how much risk you are taking.
What you need to do is to buy bitcoin with the money that you can afford to lose because at the end of the day when the price of bitcoin dumps still okay to you because you just risk the money your extra money that anytime you can afford to take back again.
Not really, if you are serious about buying Bitcoins and don't look at buying bitcoins as gambling then you can invest more than you could afford to lose. Give me one instance where you can earn money by investing but doesn't carry a risk. You will struggle finding any such source because there exist none of them.
I am not advocating for buying bitcoins by taking loans but it might be a good decision if you actually do so, there are risks involved and there are possibly high rewards and it is up to the individual how much risk they are willing to take.