Before giving any loan, we need to check person that ask for loan. With proper collateral there is no risk, cause collateral need to worth more then loan, so the loaner can sell it for cash in anytime. Why checking? With good check we can always tell is person that loan are able to return that found, does that person have a job, is that person rich, or have some other goods to sell for money.
Loans are risky, but with proper preparation it`s a good work, look at the banks, they are making big profit on their credits and loans.
Both getting loan and providing loan are not that much risky if we feel our responsibility for our actions. Loans are not risky when we are honest enough as a borrower and hence no need to face any consequences of defaulting.
The lender must have proper plan of running a loan business like collateral and interest rates. Mostly, a proper collateral solves all the problems/risks of lenders.