Ok, not sure why I kept reappearing here. But if... I may perform a far fetched analysis, I took a very quick sweep through the four accounts and noticed a writing quirk shared between
ltcrstrbrt, and
bluedeep that's not shared by
[please note that I said it myself that it's far fetched for me, because if we use this basis, I fully realized that I shared a same quirk with BitcoinGirl.Club who, so far, is the only one on the forum that I find who have one distinct writing preference as me --though I move to that preference only recently-- thus one may propose that, since I gave this idea, I am subjected to be accused as the same account owner as BGC. I assure all of you that I am not, though.]
The samples are picked randomly by jumping through pages, but intentionally taken few from "recent" posts and few from old ones. To maintain fairness and make sure I am not seeing ghost or whatever, I'll leave these posts unmarked, see if anyone else also catches the same.
These are long posts, I know. The quoted posts below are not meant to be read carefully one by one, but rather simply be glanced.
If you want a quick profit then go and trade on exchanges. Wondering how some people think the development works. There is a hard work on development part, is not the same think as clamming for bounties. If you cry like a child then you should have invested ( if you are what you pretend) in Decent ico or others projects.
Green screen or blue screen? Anyway, try to run your GPU without riser ( I don't see any reason to use a riser if you have only one GPU installed)
Cat au reusit sa stranga pana la urma? S-a terminat Ico-ul sau nu? Am vrut sa ma bag si eu la un moment dat insa nu prea mi-a convenit blockchain-ul pe care l-au ales ( respectiv NEM) .
Sau poate sa foloseasca direct Electron Cash, cu importarea seed-ului iar dupa aceea isi muta BCH ul pe o alta adresa generata in Electron ( foarte important acest aspect atunci cand se importa direct seed-ul si nu cheia privata)
dezavantaje hmm probabil primul consta in faptul ca odata ce utilizatorul se vede cu partea lui incearca so vanda cat mai repede ( oricum am primit-o moca dc sa nu profit acuma etc..) astfel existand la inceput imediat dupa terminarea distribuirii probabilitatea unui dump mai mare ..asta pana se regleaza piata ...dupa aceea totul functioneaza normal ca in cazul unei monezi POW
Right now is not about of a Electrum code vulnerability like in the past ( see CVE-2018-1000022
CVE-2018-6353) it's about off Electrum "ecosystem" itself .. users can be tricked quite easily when they make an update. That's why it must be acted with maximum vigilance!
Weak or strong password - it doesn't matter when the hackers are in full control of wallet. The question is how they got that access, fake update, keylogger, etc. Knowing this, it will prevent other users to get tricked.
Electrum has a long history of vulnerabilities ( including indirect vulnerabilities ) and many time this wallet got hacked. As you know, because is a lite bitcoin wallet, it needs to connect to servers, If your wallet connects to the network via malicious severs, your money get lost! For these that are new in this, you can find on the internet many attempts and successful attacks against Electrum, and many funds and many funds were stolen. In my opinion, Electrum was and is, the most attacked Bitcoin wallet. You should not understanding me wrong ( I'm using Electrum) but Electrum attracts the hackers (advantages and disadvantages), therfore increased vigilance is always necessary when you use a lite wallet ( and not only! ). Also the most attacks occured after an update (this is well known thing)
Back in the past, around 2015, my entire system was hacked including the work station, six mining rigs, router, mail account and also Cryptsy account.
The attackers had full control for several days, until I realized what was happening. They withdrew all the funds on the same day. In that hack I lost around 110k WhiteCoin, 334k DGB, 1300 Dash ( former DarkCoin), 1002 LTC and many other alts .. My BTC was stored on BTC-e exchange ( this account wasn't compromised because on this one the log credentials were stored offline - it was my first exchange which I used).
Referitor la Trust Wallet, chiar daca este detinut de Binance, codul este open source. ( De ex. codul Coinbase Wallet este doar partial open source)
Electrum este open source insa fiind vorba de Dapps-uri, ai putea incerca Wallet Connect.
Teoretic, este imposibila instalarea unei actualizari malicioase in MetaMask insa este posibila descarcarea si instalarea unei copi fidele ( malicioasa desigur).
Cam asa este dar pentru asa ceva e nevoie de unitate si lipsa coruptiei .. inca nu am incasa sume considerabile din monezi virtuale, momentan le strang insa atunci cand va trebui sa vand din ele trebuie sa ma gandesc bine la ce va urma mai ales ca sunt client al fiscului ( venituri din drepturi de autor ) este deajuns sa ma prefac ca uit vreun an de declaratie si sa arunce fiscul un ochi prin conturile mele si-o so dau din colt in colt ...cat timp lucram cu bancile daca nu declaram veniturile e cu risc pentru ca totul se inregistreaza ...pana la urma fiecare face dupa cum considera, pe propria-i piele ...
yeah the coins has left from the wallet ( firstly i tried to send a bigger amount and i got some "extra size " error, after that i tried with little amount and worked fine )
cine te-a furat? povesteste pls.
scz intarzierea ... deci .. dupa ip u imi indica o persoana din filipine.. probabil folosea un vpn u si cel mai sigur imi instalase un keylogger ( probabil accesasem un link suspect desi nu sunt genu de persoana care sa dea clik-uri pe orice )
My account
ltcrstrbrt, GigaBit, bluedeep I am the real owner of these account. i lost wallet address which i used in this two accounts ltcrstrbrt & GigaBit. but i can proof by another way thats account now using another user which means those account got hacked /sold
@JollyGood are you investigate correctly?
bluedeep - (I have already signed a message for Ethereum wallet which wallet i was used before 2017)
GigaBit - ( Check the different of post quality till 2018 and from 2022
https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/gigabit-198112New user active the account and jumped for signature campaign and till now this account are begin use for signature campaign)
ltcrstrbrt - ( i will post a valid proof for this too soon)
Why I am being asked to sign in messages. Since he (loginsam45) raised the complaint, he has to prove whether he is the owner of the account or not. Ask him and ask him to prove it. Why he is not come back to online. I am the owner of this account. When this complaint came up I tried to find my old wallets but couldn't find (2015). My previous devices have changed. If I had known that I would need my wallets later, I would have tried to keep them more carefully. If loginsam45 can sign the message then I will have nothing to say. But that is impossible, I challenged him.
After observing Netherlands perform we can can assume that they normally play good against any weak team. Many of us start dreaming about their team after few good matches but in reality, it is unlikely that it will happen. Because they can't perform as expected with the experienced team. Netherlands (edited) inconsistency will not allow them to go far in a World Cup where every team is more stronger. I think this team should regain their consistency back as soon as possible.
Thank you joeperry ৃand Uthopia team, @joeperry you have managed to ensure the payment (15th week) of the participants very nicely despite having high transaction fee. You are one of the trusted few managers on the forum and you have a nice discipline in your management. I hope you will get more success in your future work. I worked on your campaign for a long 1 month. I hope to have the opportunity to work on your campaigns again in the future.
Yes and No
Depends how big the deposit, you do notice fluctuations in Gold prices (if you day trade) when SIGNIFICANT deposits are found because new ones of rather small size are found daily.
I'm a Gold miner and dealer, I came to Bitcoin, why?
Go back to November 2013 - The SCARE of a US Government shutdown is what was the main catalyst in that price rise. There's actually some hedge funds that work on the same level as Gold and many IRA sellers now offer Bitcoin to their client's portfolio. The death of the USD will affect the USA first and foremost. The Chinese Yuan or Euro which will likely replace the USD as world reserve is also one of the currencies most traded in Bitcoin; this means that if the USD loses its status, Bitcoin will use the next world reserve to price itself and related assets.
I sell gold and Bitcoin is more wanted than Gold because it can't be seized and large amounts can easily be hidden. One ton of gold is about 14 inches cubed but weighs about 1 ton (2,000 LBS). Yeah, try dragging that around with you. Even if Gold is a physical store of value, it's not efficient if you keep it at home because Gold is VERY heavy, one of the heaviest elements on the table (19.2x heavier than water). Even that ton is a mere $40M... Not necessarily a whole lot of money today. You can hide that same amount of money in your shoe on a SD card with bitcoin if you want.
During the $1,000 times people were flocking to Bitcoin because it was more readily available than anything else. Gold requires shipping and in times like those, vaults run dry quickly. During that same time, Gold was losing in value, Gold went up and went back down as fast as the government re-opened its doors but Bitcoin remained high until the Gox incident.
I own little Gold anymore (I have a claim anyways) other than a few nice nuggets but everything else I have is in Bitcoin. I know it will be easier to sell Bitcoin than it will be to sell gold; Bitcoin doesn't require shipping and is traded within an hour. When the Dollar dies, it will mean the big break for bitcoin because it will be the only readily available form of value transfer. There is too many "virtual" gold that if everyone cashed out at once, there would be a crash in the price of Gold itself... because if your gold is in a vault that won't ship it to you or you need to wait months, it's not worth anything.
Now, if anyone catch the same similarity that I find, and only if anyone do, to prove that I am not reading between nonexistent lines, I'd like to complete my "witch hunt" by proposing an act of "grasping at straws", a theory that's been churning in my mind since last Sunday.