It's already proven true that mining Ethereum is profitable right now but what are you guys going to mine after it switches to proof of stake?
I'm not sure if my sources are false but I've read that 1 sol == hash in Zcash and an rx 470 should produce about 30 sols per second. This means il be losing over 400 dollars a year. Even in monero at 550 hashes per second each il only be profiting 400 dollars a year apposed to Ethereums 1000 dollars a year. That profit for monero will probably even go down because many Ethereum miners will go there.
Am I boned if Ethereum incorporates proof of stake unless I have like 12 graphics cards? Please tell me my math is wrong or I'm looking at the wrong altcoins because otherwise I'm not sure if buying 3 graphic cards now is worth it.
470/480 get about 300+ sol/s not 30
Are you sure? That would make it more profitable than mining Ethereum. Every Zcash forum i have read about the rx470/480 suggests that they average 30sols/s