some fun history can be found if you dig too deep like this:
then you can find gems from the old days like this one:
which is basically kwukduck saying bitcoin is dead and will fall from $7.5 to $0.7
Its funny alright, some things dont really change.
Here is a quote from one of the example threads,
it is almost similar to what some people are thinking now,
will I buy now or wait for an extra fall?
will I buy now before it goes up?
If only we could go back 6 years $6.50 per bitcoin...
we would buy at the $7.XX price without comment or hesitation.
SO lesson to all, BUY NOW
"Hindsight is perfect vision, Foresight is a blessing"
This correction will reverse very quickly once it hits the $5.x area. Hopefully I can get some cheap ones before it's too late.