Here is the signed message!
Release the funds, Patatas!
Signature Verified
Sent you the funds .Please conform you've received the funds and repay on this address 1DPLNHcsmybXfi6CtHnj6xaYNTnKw8DfDp
Loan repaid! Thanks for the loan, Patatas!
@SwingFirst: You can lock this thread now or wait for Patatas to confirm on this thread before locking it.
Actually according to the deal I was suppose to receive $34 since I let Swingfirst use his account for his campaign,I have received $32.Will conform the repayment once I get the remaining money.
The value at the time of the transaction was $34 (which was the deal). You can look it up yourself, and it's not odd for the price to go up and down a little bit, especially when you replied more than eight hours after I sent the $34.
EDIT: Here you can clearly see that the price has been going down the last hours. I didn't mean for this to happen, it was simply bad timing..
Allrighty! locking thread now