Is there a big red "bulllshiessen" button on the webpage for me to press? Preferably which sets off flashing red hazard lights and honks a comically loud klaxon.
An S3 and an S1 on a 750W 12V rail would have to be so underclocked that you'd rather not do that.
Look up the power specs of the model and series number of your miners. While you are there, look up what one series-8 S7 would use, since planning ahead can sometimes be a good thing.
To, for example 360W for your S1 add a bit for overclocking headroom plus current surge when fan speed is increased. eg 420W.
Do the same for your S3.
add the two numbers together.
It won't be inside 750W, and that ATX trips a shutdown at exactly 750W, even if you go a little bit over for much less than a second.
its only minus 7 years warranty , but all the specs are the same . and 50 euro lesser , anyway tnx for your input , i think i am going to try this 1 out , since i have to wait on my money of the RMA that i have to send to the store tommorow !
Exactly ! 1000 watt seems more logical or 850w I dont want to RMA a second PSU
I don't know why you would want a 1000 watt PSU for a 470watt load. Unless you're in the business of running the S1 at 200GH/400Watts, at which point something like a EVGA G2/GS 650/750/850/1000/1050 are all valid options. Depend simply how you intend on expanding later on.
wooow those EVGA's are quit expensive , VGA SuperNOVA 850 G2 @ 150 euro's and the corsair cs850m starts @ 126 euro EVGA SuperNOVA 850 B2 @ 125euro @ ,
Yeah, but when i say they're good psu, they're GREAT psu. You can't compare a EVGA g2 850w to a whatever 850 watts. The EVGA g2 850 will run 940watts at the wall 24/7 with great efficiency and clean power. And 10 years warranty so any talk of PSU degradation that are moot from the start become completely irrelevant.