And why so high fee $200 for sending the Visa anon debit card? You ask.
Why should anyone have to subsidise the habits of your other customers? It's your job as the operator to balance stuff like this. $200 is an absolute turn off however you look at it.
Charge the correct amount for postage. If there's a monthly fee for you then tell customers upfront and charge them a year's worth of that fee or shut the card down with plenty of notice if it's costing you money.
well nobody forcing you use our card.
Just the FedEx fee is from $60 to $100 depending on what country we send to.
And I doubt someone other will give you Visa card without name and without asking about your true identity or ID.
That's the price you had to pay to stay safe and anonymous.
I don't see really why we should use an anonymous VISA Card these days because it can't just be anonymous, for a very simple reason:from the time you will be withdrawing your money, your full identity wil/could be revealed.
The only difference will be that you may miss some data that other companies providing the same service under KYC would have.
And just For that reason, we should pay 200$ to get the card?
I would rather do the full verification process, save some fees and have some peace in mind.
But of course, it's a personal choice.