I understand your attempt here in acquiring funds.
Basically you want a loan from the 'BitCoin Bank.' You are offering collateral and detailed information for said loan. Perhaps if you provide a detailed business plan on the use of the money, there 'might' be some interest. Look at it from another perspective. You want $1000 for 3 months and for said risk; all the investor gets is $12.50?
You have to let your investors know you aren't going to double down at the Casino.
If your plan makes sense and since you are willing to forgo anonymity, you might get a taker. Probably from someone very local to you, just in case.
However, if you are just investing in another's fund here. They might just go and put their money with him instead and get a little more interest.
I like the effort, BTC Loans will eventually have to come into play as options have.
Totally understand.
See, I have a real job, and a few rigs putting out 8+Ghash.
What I do with the money is my own problem, if I double down at the casino, so what?
Say someone make 3000 a month, and borrows 1500 and spent it at the casino. That someone could easily make 1500 back in 2 weeks.
The important thing is will I be able to repay. Do you think banks are safe? Most western (meaning US and European) banks leverage your deposit 30+ times. Do you think that is safe?
I would rather lend someone $ knowing they can actually repay, than put it into bank and let them leverage it 30 times. We all know what happened to MF Global.
But then again, just an option for those interested. It's not like I really needed the money now or I am done or something like that.