Amount to be repaid: BTC.005
Repayment Date: 24-Hours
Collateral: None
Reason: Earning trust
Bitcoin Address: 1JHdBzXuGpd23f1hywwsgpNjjSzVpbRBLC
This, on top of looking to buy bitcoin with paypal, makes this user untrustworthy and hence the legitimate feedback.
Even after thoroughly explaining my ignorance to the fact that "trust" is a tangible currency on this forum, you're going to repeat yourself? I did not mean earning +1's, +ve's, or whatever they are called. I was talking about TRUST, like that which is held between two reputable businessmen, friends and family.
Yet, you're still so hell-bent on repeating yourself to prove to the community how horrible of a person I am.. When EVERY single transaction has ended positively. You are bored, and have no right to impede on the building of my reputation; by slandering it and negatively repping me you're showing your true colors, and that's all that needs to be said.