I did watch the first two episodes of Smarter Every Day which were actually repeats since they both used detonations to cause a deflagration and coincidentally both used guns. Still, I feel slightly smarter.
What part of "Your reply sparked a YouTube channel idea" confused you? TBC, I merely mused about Smartified Another Day. BTW, don't bother hunting my other muse: a pocket pussy operating like the jaws of a crocodile, for it, too, doesn't yet exist, but I'm hoping to garner U$5.1M via Kickstarter to begin production.
"May I suggest duckweed for its foliage on the non-barren models?"
My confusion stems from a lack of sleep. I work until 8am and don't have the good sense to go to bed. You certainly have some unique ideas... is it at least a toothless croc?
I guess I, too, would be confused due to lack of sleep if I were into granny croc porn.
Back on-topic, the user in question mentioned in the OP reached out to me via PM expressing that one of his posts/topic was satire, apologizing for not using appropriate tags et al., further desiring of me to unlock a certain tread of mine of which I'll consider.
As far as I know, I have no serious qualms with said user, hence not going FULL GLEB on his ass.