Yeah, inflation is real and has been going on for some time now. It's the way the Powers that Be can 'socialize their losses' to the masses without raising taxes. Privatize successes, socialize losses. That's their game.
Yep. We should have had a massive deflationary crash, but Helicopter Ben staved it off, and shored up the balance sheets of the financial institutions with trillions of fresh new M0 USD, created as a debt on the US taxpayers. Thus far, because the economy has been stagnant, that capital is all been stored up in bonds and has been responsible for pushing equities up. We haven't seen the real effects of inflation on prices, because all the new cash just hasn't been flowing around.....but when it does, i.e. when/if Trump gets his way, then I believe we will see the prices of everything rocket.
Whether this translates into another boom period or not, I think is impossible to predict. We are in unprecedented territory here with near zero or even negative interest rates. How does this even work? How are 'savings' meant to function? Furthermore, much of global consumption/demand in recent decades has been to feed China's export driven economy. As everyone knows, in order to keep themselves competitive, China pegged their CNY to the USD, keeping it artificially low, by printing more and more CNY to buy up all the excess USD being used to buy Chinese goods, thus importing US inflation. If Trump gets his way, and the probable rapid price inflation sets in as a result, then this seriously undermines the value of all the USD bonds held by the Chinese and indeed all other foreign entities, and this is not to mention the notion of Trump imposing tariffs on Chinese imports and/or finding other means of discouraging Chinese and other foreign imports.
So Chinese/global exports down, USD price inflation drastically up, trust in US debt down, which means that interest rates have to either rise a lot, or the Fed will have to keep on printing. Whilst the US economy may experience a brief boom due to Trump's spending spree; the global economy which was being fed by the US's seemingly unlimited consumption based on the power of the USD and the capacity of the financial system to increasingly expand the supply of those dollars, will surely experience a slow down. A real melting pot of contradictory forces, the offshoot of which for me is, that is all surely must lead to a big lapse in the confidence of US debt, if not an outright collapse, and to what, does capital turn to when confidence in the reserve currency subsides?
Bitcoin? (lol). Sure, Bitcoin and other cryptos may well catch a stupendous bid here, but hold on to yer hat and be prepared for the possibility of losing yer entire pot.
Gold! Gold is real wealth, and to where the serious money will always run.
They don't really notice that their school loans, power bill, food bill, cable bill, health insurance, and maintenance costs have doubled over the last 7 years, while their income stayed the same. Even purchases like the price of new cars have increased 20-25% over the last decade, yet the sheeple act like nothing happened.
They notice alright, and then they turn around and blame immigrants. This is why 'they' have seen to it that Europe has been flooded with Islamic immigrants as a result of the Zionist wars destabilising the Middle East and removing stable regimes which would otherwise control areas and enforce borders, and why Hillary was chomping at the bit to give America it's dose of Islamic immigration as well. Give the proles a scapegoat. Keep everyone at everyone else's throats.