Why bit try Yolodice. I think the house edge on freebitco.in is 4% many people have said so. This means Yolodice has 4x less house edge. 1% only with a bonus of having rake back of up to 30% which helps even further. There is no reason to pick freebitco.in then Yolodice. Yolodice is better in everyway including investing.
There are sites with lower house edge.
Freebitco.in house edge is 5%, most dice site have a 1% house edge, and the lowest i've found is Safedice with 0.5% house edge.
Freebitco.in is a faucet first, not a gambling platform. The higher house edge pays for faucet and lottery.
In case you missed few options there freebitcoin is faucet, gambling site, mining site, investment site and lottery site, but there is the fact the site started as a faucet. Saying it is not gambling platform is wrong.