''should we stop discussing other users publicly, and limit the discussion to just their trust rank page?'' Now he says he is not against freedom of speech, he should lock the thread otherwise he is contradicting himself. By the way, trolling, like you do is baneable in this forum, be careful.
The definition of trolling is posting deliberately rude comments on the internet to provoke angry reactions. I've never done that. I would understand if I said "YOU ARE STUPID, ANNOYING, AND YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING" being considered as trolling.
Me calmy pointing out opinions and facts is not. You on the other hand happen to be too sensitive, which means you at some point will be banned for falsely reporting comments.
The ignore feature is there for a reason. I suggest you use it.
Let's get our definitions right, shall we?
Digital Technology. Informal.
to post inflammatory or inappropriate messages or comments on (the Internet, especially a message board) for the purpose of upsetting other users and provoking a response.
to upset or provoke (other users) by posting such messages or comments.
No need to be rude to troll.
On the topic, the trust page is not suitable for any form of discussion. Questionable behaviour can not be argued on it. A reputation thread allows for this. The trust page can not replace reputation threads. Hence, I am against your proposal. Please add my quote to the OP in the against section.
[1]Are you provoked yet?