In this game, either lose or win.
I would again like to point out the fallacy in this statement. In spot trading, you are not "losing" money every time you end up doing a wrongly placed trade. What you would get is possibly a shitcoin in return. But you have not lost your money till you sell that shitcoin and realize your unrealized P&L. While in margin trading you are defenitely losing money because it is a type of gambling.
But for novices, the necessary tuition is normal, so keep a good attitude, but I will also say, Few people can control greed
I think it is better if every trader starts by dummy trading on paper than jumping into trading in real. By doing dummy trading you can actually know if you can make any money trading or if trading is not your thing - which is often a case. Not everyone can have the nerves of trading and therefore potential losses can be prevented.
It is good for practice too, but few have the patience to do that. Majority of the newbies are going to FOMO only.