When pontificating on undervalued assets I think it's instructive to separate out technology assets from monetary ones.
The distinction is huge when you think about it because one the former has massive exposure to technological obsolescence while the latter doesn't. In that regard I propose Peercoin as the single most significant undervalued asset right now. Following that I'd propose Unobtanium (UNO).
Have a look down the 1st page of coinmarketcap.com. There are only a few pure monetary assets left: BTC, LTC, DASH, XMR, ZEC, DOGUE, PIVX, PPC
The ones that survive will be huge and only one of them is still in relative 'stealth' mode - that is Peercoin. Meanwhile, Peercoin happens to have been designed with solutions well ahead of their time, in particular that of addressing the scaling issue. Sonny King foresaw the current crisis in expansion of uptake in cryptos and created Peercoin to act as a 'trunk' monetary exchange vehicle. Everything about that design was created for that purpose: intentionally high transaction fees, first proof of stake etc.
The advantages of monetary assets over non-monetary ones are as follows:
• they don't have exposure to technological obscolescence (since their value doesn't derive from their technological advantage)
• they don't suffer from the "airgap" problem, like say Ethereum does, (where buying the blockchain token gives no direct exposure to the equity held in meta tokens)
• they derive their primary basis for existence from store of value and not transient business equity (like corporate stocks)
The disadvantages of non-monetary assets (technologies of equity stocks ), i.e. everything else on that list are:
• they go obsolete as soon as 'something better comes along'
• smart contract chains in particular suffer from the 'airgap' problem (see above)
• they are exposed to endless competition
• in monetary assets, "being first" counts as being an original = high value, whereas in technology assets, being first is a massive disadvantage because you will also be first into obsolescence (witness the imminent arrival of a tsunami of tech which will prove a more effective platform in many aspects for meta tokens than Ethereum: Tezos, Rootstock, Lisk, Ark...on into the distance)
Finally, think forward 100 years. One aspect of crypto that consolidates its "irreproducibility' is time. The more time that passes the greater the distinction between an original and a clone. In 100 years, the difference between a Bitcoin clone and the Bitcoin that was created on January 9th 2009 will be like comparing gold with sand - even though they may have the same code. In that vein I see certain 'originals' as starting to gain value with time and one in particular more than any other - Unobtanium. It has a supply that seems to be perfectly pitched to be large enough to support significant trading liquidity, small enough to be considered extremely rare, function as an effective store of value and finally originated early enough to be considered part of the Bitcoin "supernova" period. (Gold was created in a supernova originally, that's why it's near impossible to synthesise).
Current price for UNO: $32
Target price: $230,000 per coin