
Topic: Low volume corrective waves (Read 2614 times)

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
December 28, 2014, 10:45:50 PM
As I have been saying for the past 3 months, anything near 300 is a buy, short term we will test 350  Kiss

but mister, you tolded me

but regardless we will test 400 before 330. FACT.

butt then price falled 2 $302 in just a weak Sad
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
December 28, 2014, 09:23:36 PM
As I have been saying for the past 3 months, anything near 300 is a buy, short term we will test 350  Kiss
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
December 23, 2014, 02:08:06 PM
Two trolls above me trying to defend their other troll account  Cheesy
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 254
December 23, 2014, 01:45:28 PM
jaredboice never got to be hall monitor, and now he's taking his anger out on humanity...

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
December 23, 2014, 01:38:57 PM
is jaredboice trol talking 2 hisself again? he retartid?
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
December 23, 2014, 01:27:26 PM
some past posts by fewcoins:


"What makes you think that?? Is anyone really supporting bitcoin? Everyone is just using it as a way to get more fiat... How is it a bull market long term when miners will continue to sell every coin they mint? That means unlimited selling pressure... think."

"The point is everybody is selling BTC, nobody is BUYING bitcoins and this will make the price go down until people panic & make the price decline even further! Endless cycle!!!"

"More like 3 year bear market into a crash that wipes BTC out just like that digital gold junk (the first virtual currency) TALK TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO LOST MONEY IN THAT CURRENCY then get back to me!"


"There is no new money coming in and miners are producing $1.8m in bitcoin PER DAY EVERY DAY, It will never stop or slow down. When do you see that much money coming into BTC daily???  Probably around when the last bitcoin is set to be mined & right before all the miners shut off their machines since mining no longer has a reward for them why would they run these machines & pay electricity just to keep the network running???

I think everyone will cash out long before the last bitcoin is mined anyway."

"LOL! Hilarious!!! Let's keep talking about rising prices when BTC has never increased in value since it passed $1,000 ONCE"

"Well people have been jumping onto this sinking ship all year! So hold your hat & jump onto the ride with money you don't mind giving away"

Too many more to go through.  It's tiring looking at the history of his trolling

"Why don't you think it will go below 300??? The supply is being created at a massive rate & the demand is disappearing!!! Almost gone!!!"

"And right now the supply is getting bigger and bigger everyday while the demand is getting smaller and smaller! Meaning the price will continue to go down!!! "

hes actually making some pretty legit points about how fewcoins flip flops on his opinion every two minutes.

Yup, whether his agenda is to influence the market for his swing trades or to convince people he's a bull before he flips the script and goes bear, he's a troll just the same and people need to be aware of who all the trolls are....especially the newbies, as everyone else already knows
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
December 23, 2014, 01:25:29 PM
Freebambi is another troll (probably the same troll as fewcoins or NotLambchop with a different account)

He's just butthurt that I call them out as trolls everywhere they post and suggest that people ignore them
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
December 23, 2014, 01:23:23 PM
some past posts by fewcoins:


"What makes you think that?? Is anyone really supporting bitcoin? Everyone is just using it as a way to get more fiat... How is it a bull market long term when miners will continue to sell every coin they mint? That means unlimited selling pressure... think."

"The point is everybody is selling BTC, nobody is BUYING bitcoins and this will make the price go down until people panic & make the price decline even further! Endless cycle!!!"

"More like 3 year bear market into a crash that wipes BTC out just like that digital gold junk (the first virtual currency) TALK TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO LOST MONEY IN THAT CURRENCY then get back to me!"


"There is no new money coming in and miners are producing $1.8m in bitcoin PER DAY EVERY DAY, It will never stop or slow down. When do you see that much money coming into BTC daily???  Probably around when the last bitcoin is set to be mined & right before all the miners shut off their machines since mining no longer has a reward for them why would they run these machines & pay electricity just to keep the network running???

I think everyone will cash out long before the last bitcoin is mined anyway."

"LOL! Hilarious!!! Let's keep talking about rising prices when BTC has never increased in value since it passed $1,000 ONCE"

"Well people have been jumping onto this sinking ship all year! So hold your hat & jump onto the ride with money you don't mind giving away"

Too many more to go through.  It's tiring looking at the history of his trolling

"Why don't you think it will go below 300??? The supply is being created at a massive rate & the demand is disappearing!!! Almost gone!!!"

"And right now the supply is getting bigger and bigger everyday while the demand is getting smaller and smaller! Meaning the price will continue to go down!!! "

hes actually making some pretty legit points about how fewcoins flip flops on his opinion every two minutes.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
December 23, 2014, 12:50:41 PM
is jaredboice trol talking 2 hisself?
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
December 23, 2014, 12:45:37 PM
some past posts by fewcoins:


"What makes you think that?? Is anyone really supporting bitcoin? Everyone is just using it as a way to get more fiat... How is it a bull market long term when miners will continue to sell every coin they mint? That means unlimited selling pressure... think."

"The point is everybody is selling BTC, nobody is BUYING bitcoins and this will make the price go down until people panic & make the price decline even further! Endless cycle!!!"

"More like 3 year bear market into a crash that wipes BTC out just like that digital gold junk (the first virtual currency) TALK TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO LOST MONEY IN THAT CURRENCY then get back to me!"


"There is no new money coming in and miners are producing $1.8m in bitcoin PER DAY EVERY DAY, It will never stop or slow down. When do you see that much money coming into BTC daily???  Probably around when the last bitcoin is set to be mined & right before all the miners shut off their machines since mining no longer has a reward for them why would they run these machines & pay electricity just to keep the network running???

I think everyone will cash out long before the last bitcoin is mined anyway."

"LOL! Hilarious!!! Let's keep talking about rising prices when BTC has never increased in value since it passed $1,000 ONCE"

"Well people have been jumping onto this sinking ship all year! So hold your hat & jump onto the ride with money you don't mind giving away"

Too many more to go through.  It's tiring looking at the history of his trolling

"Why don't you think it will go below 300??? The supply is being created at a massive rate & the demand is disappearing!!! Almost gone!!!"

"And right now the supply is getting bigger and bigger everyday while the demand is getting smaller and smaller! Meaning the price will continue to go down!!! "
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
December 23, 2014, 12:34:55 PM
fewcoins is a serial troll / swing trader.  He tells you he is bullish now so that when it's time for him to flip the script, all the newbies will get confused.  You should trust him about as far as you can throw him
copper member
Activity: 2268
Merit: 539 - Crypto Sportsbook
December 23, 2014, 01:43:52 AM
that like I said last week, $305 is a good price to buy lots

I am glad you changed your mind & are following what I said but on my last thread you said...

$270 @ tomorrow 09:00:00 AM
just good luck for that
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
December 22, 2014, 11:32:39 PM
Holy shit what a December! I might have gotten bit by a Christmas elf 
I never thought I would have to use my ignore and delete buttons....... The same way I thought I would never start accumulating BTC like this.......

full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
December 22, 2014, 11:09:17 PM
Fewcoins I see you're feeling pretty good like you got your foot on your throat of the market.  But you will get your face ripped off one of these times.  I wouldn't be anything other than long the bitcoin market with its propensity to have violent moves. 

All it will take is one major news event to destroy you.  Then you'll try to wait for a pullback to cover, but it will keep going up way more than it probably should. 

Then you'll finally relent and cover for a major loss totalling all of your trading profits and more.  And then once you ha covered it will pull way back.

Good luck, but I wouldn't be anything but long bitcoin. 

Well right now I am long... but unfortunately you know nothing about trading... I usually use a 5% stop loss for the majority of shares or in this case because BTC is so wild I lose no more than 15-20% on a trade before I give up and move on to the next. So far the most I let go without covering was a 25% move the OPPOSITE way... I used leverage to short more and after a wild dump I ended up in the black right away. Bitcoin swings so wild I literally have never lost on a trade but I definitely had to stay in some positions longer than I wanted too  Kiss
sr. member
Activity: 481
Merit: 251
December 22, 2014, 09:32:41 PM
Fewcoins I see you're feeling pretty good like you got your foot on your throat of the market.  But you will get your face ripped off one of these times.  I wouldn't be anything other than long the bitcoin market with its propensity to have violent moves. 

All it will take is one major news event to destroy you.  Then you'll try to wait for a pullback to cover, but it will keep going up way more than it probably should. 

Then you'll finally relent and cover for a major loss totalling all of your trading profits and more.  And then once you ha covered it will pull way back.

Good luck, but I wouldn't be anything but long bitcoin. 
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
December 22, 2014, 08:32:38 PM
I lurk around and post here and there.

Everything I have to say I've already said. I sit and wait patiently for the market to prove wrong those who have been shouting loudest that they know for sure bitcoin is going to zero Wink a touch of schadenfreude, I'll admit it, but can't say I haven't posted plenty on what I think is the smart choice (ALL IN / ALL OUT isn't it!)

You, however seem to have changed your tune, and revealed yourself as a trader looking to profit from volatility. Not a strategy that I am able to use effectively, but good luck to you!

I just wouldn't want to see you accidentally make too much money by holding long term Wink

Oh c'mon! You knew I was always a trader, I just so happened to be trading in a huge bear market when we bumped heads & I might have looked like a permabull but I have said many times the buyers of the $100 flash crashes are literally geniuses.... The people who think flash crashes will happen again when this much money is watching BTC are idiots. Buy now or cry later!
& haha why not?! You don't want to be on Bitcoin island with me or take or virgin galactic flight to bitcoin moon???  Grin

I'll go ahead and admit that I may have been wrong about you. The preponderance of beartrolls around here made me think you were just another. First round of drinks on the island is on me by way of apology.

He's still a troll, bear or not. Wait until he dumps his longs again and he will be spamming his doom & gloom all over this forum again. You will regret your apology. Tongue

Don't be a party pooper! I give unbias opinions ONLY  Kiss
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000
December 22, 2014, 07:33:27 PM
I lurk around and post here and there.

Everything I have to say I've already said. I sit and wait patiently for the market to prove wrong those who have been shouting loudest that they know for sure bitcoin is going to zero Wink a touch of schadenfreude, I'll admit it, but can't say I haven't posted plenty on what I think is the smart choice (ALL IN / ALL OUT isn't it!)

You, however seem to have changed your tune, and revealed yourself as a trader looking to profit from volatility. Not a strategy that I am able to use effectively, but good luck to you!

I just wouldn't want to see you accidentally make too much money by holding long term Wink

Oh c'mon! You knew I was always a trader, I just so happened to be trading in a huge bear market when we bumped heads & I might have looked like a permabull but I have said many times the buyers of the $100 flash crashes are literally geniuses.... The people who think flash crashes will happen again when this much money is watching BTC are idiots. Buy now or cry later!
& haha why not?! You don't want to be on Bitcoin island with me or take or virgin galactic flight to bitcoin moon???  Grin

I'll go ahead and admit that I may have been wrong about you. The preponderance of beartrolls around here made me think you were just another. First round of drinks on the island is on me by way of apology.

He's still a troll, bear or not. Wait until he dumps his longs again and he will be spamming his doom & gloom all over this forum again. You will regret your apology. Tongue
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
December 22, 2014, 07:26:47 PM
fewcoins has now turned bullish. Whats up, bought in now?
Obvious manipulators like him should be banned.

Sorry but I just control a large amount of the market but I don't manipulate... We just trade! '

Remember months ago when fewcoins said (and I quote),

"All of those "buy walls" are sooo fake... I watch many of those people cancel ALL THE TIME! That's what happens with unregulated things!!! As a perma-bear, I can tell you BTC price chart looks exactly the same as a penny stock pump and dump that waves widly in the wind back n forth back n forth until its literally worth $0.00"

Here he's not only telling us that he's a perma-bear, but he's also telling us that he believes buy walls are fake and that bitcoin is going to $0.00.

And just today in the Bull Run Initiated Thread (just look in his posting history) he says:

"Amazing buy walls at 330 & 325 now too... We will be lucky to get coins around the 315-320 level again before this bounce really goes up"

Take it from a bitcoin believer, this guy clearly has an agenda.
His agenda is called "profit".

Yes, profit! Thank you!!!

I didn't say bitcoin was going to $0.00 I said it swings widly like a penny stock that's going to 0.00 geez man

Ummm no, you specifically said that, "BTC Price chart looks exactly the same as a penny stock pump and dump that waves wildly in the wind back n forth back n forth until its literally worth $0.00"

If that's not what you believed, you sure wanted people to THINK that you believed bitcoin was behaving like a pump and dump that waves wildly until it's worth LITERALLY $0.00...  because that's what you said dude.  I'm not putting any words in your mouth.  That's exactly what you said. 

You've got a whole history of back posts to draw from, it's not like it would be hard to call out your hypocrisy on a daily basis

How are you so dumb... I underlined my quote that you love soooo much.... LOOKS EXACTLY THE SAME AS... I never said BTC is going to $0.00 you idiot  Shocked
hero member
Activity: 521
Merit: 500
December 22, 2014, 06:34:49 PM
fewcoins has now turned bullish. Whats up, bought in now?
Obvious manipulators like him should be banned.

Sorry but I just control a large amount of the market but I don't manipulate... We just trade! '

Trolling loudly does not mean you control a large amount of the market. I doubt if you even have a single BTC.
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
December 22, 2014, 01:39:52 PM
fewcoins has now turned bullish. Whats up, bought in now?
Obvious manipulators like him should be banned.

Sorry but I just control a large amount of the market but I don't manipulate... We just trade! '

Remember months ago when fewcoins said (and I quote),

"All of those "buy walls" are sooo fake... I watch many of those people cancel ALL THE TIME! That's what happens with unregulated things!!! As a perma-bear, I can tell you BTC price chart looks exactly the same as a penny stock pump and dump that waves widly in the wind back n forth back n forth until its literally worth $0.00"

Here he's not only telling us that he's a perma-bear, but he's also telling us that he believes buy walls are fake and that bitcoin is going to $0.00.

And just today in the Bull Run Initiated Thread (just look in his posting history) he says:

"Amazing buy walls at 330 & 325 now too... We will be lucky to get coins around the 315-320 level again before this bounce really goes up"

Take it from a bitcoin believer, this guy clearly has an agenda.
His agenda is called "profit".

Yes, profit! Thank you!!!

I didn't say bitcoin was going to $0.00 I said it swings widly like a penny stock that's going to 0.00 geez man

Ummm no, you specifically said that, "BTC Price chart looks exactly the same as a penny stock pump and dump that waves wildly in the wind back n forth back n forth until its literally worth $0.00"

If that's not what you believed, you sure wanted people to THINK that you believed bitcoin was behaving like a pump and dump that waves wildly until it's worth LITERALLY $0.00...  because that's what you said dude.  I'm not putting any words in your mouth.  That's exactly what you said. 

You've got a whole history of back posts to draw from, it's not like it would be hard to call out your hypocrisy on a daily basis
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