Because they don't pay anyone in the first bounty , and they just block us in Telegram .
Anthonius Loyakk ( bounty manager ) after the end of ICO , he just said that my Twitter account is fake . Suppose my twitter account is Fake , why you don't pay me in Facebook campaign ?
Btw my twitter account is since June 2011 , that's mean it is since 7 years ago , and it is my official account and hold my real name .
you can check my twitter audit here : ; 91% audit score .
Look to the conversation with Anthonius , i said hello sir , and he said that i harassing him .
After they raised about 16 m$ , they decide to make a KYC for the bounty hunters , and after the send of documents , they just block us in telegram .
Loyakk is a scammers !!!
be careful !
Dear community,
It is people like this that submitted 100’s of bot accounts to diluted the reward pool. Bounty hunt work hard and get small reward because of people submitting 100’s of fake accounts. We only protect th community from being diluted by scammers. All of our honest bounty hunters received their rewards and bonuses on top. However, people who cheat were banned. I think we all know that twitter audit only checks for bots and not farmed accounts; and as the image shows, the scammers got neverous an start harassing us everyday. Sorry for the inconvenience, we’ll have new bounty information up after we contact the BCT admins about this blackmailing and harassment from this person.