Koolio lost a bunch of his LTC by his statements below and was even BEGGING for people to stop buying. LOLLook at what Koolio had to say yesterday on BTC-E chat(bolded most of it):
dstruct2k: dexydex, if you don't find what you need in the next hour or two, send me a PM, i'll help you out when i get home from work
Ismael: YES
dexydex: thanks
lvt: no dragon dildos
lvt: Ismael tell em
Ismael: dragon dildos, gotcha
Simplyfun: he was seriously owunded by the last one
Simplyfun: wounded*
log: uma bro me real gangstahttps://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/397361_499379116741524_1881464498_n.jpg
bettor: dstruct2k, hey, when you do that, a webpage or instructions how I can make a page would kick ass for the next ones who come along...
Simran: trill OG shit
Simplyfun: looks like a north Korean dictator
Simran: yeah cause my eyes were low for a reason
lvt: gaise, brb Korea
log:https://is0.4sqi.net/userpix/KFLNFQ5MW4RA30AL.jpg wear sunglasses
Simran: log, I can't ya dumbass, I already wear precription glasses
Simran: just pls polis gon arrest u
log:http://topicstock.pantip.com/chalermkrung/topicstock/2012/05/C12140756/C12140756-0.jpg became chinese invade north korea!
log:https://is0.4sqi.net/userpix/KFLNFQ5MW4RA30AL.jpg cause he wear regular glasses bro!
lvt: log pls
koolio: simran stop buying dammitbettor: if you were thinking of buying at 0041, you're too late
Simran: I ain't buying shit
Simran: wtf?!?!?!?!?
koolio: simplefun is it youkoolio: simplyfunSimplyfun: Oui
koolio: please i beg u stop buying for a bit
koolio: u just lost me a hell of alot of coins with the move u just pulledlog:http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/077/0/d/rwj_by_thraeofthedragons-d3by0h5.jpg dragon dildos yeah
Ismael: koolio, no, Simplyfun is in moose country, you can't wear sunglasses there
koolio: pleaselvt: koolio nope
koolio: i beg, theres no need for u
koolio: *ITlvt: log lol
bettor: beattest , get out of that koolio suit!
koolio: *IT
lvt: log lol
bettor: beattest , get out of that koolio suit!
Ismael: lol
Simplyfun: I need enough to crash the market later
zero3112: woo there goes litecoin
Ismael: doit simply
Ismael: you wont you wont
Simplyfun: I said later, now is not the right time
koolio: basically its fuckedlog: so you guys ready to trash n crash the market? time to sell ltc and buy btc soon than later
asdf1234: why?
Simplyfun: but yeah I'm slowing up, price has risen too fast
koolio: im really fed up, like im getting quite angry now cause u lot are buying with no consideration for others in the marketSmoovious: that's the free market for ya
koolio: the way things are going alot of people are going to loose when u crash it and just put people off ltcasdf1234: what do you mean koolio
koolio: its fucking stupid thats what it is
koolio: mindless buyingSimplyfun: LOL
koolio: supa did the same thing when he was here and he pissed alot of people offasdf1234: lmao
....ust it, sell.
zeroquest: I see quite a few large buy orders in .048+. including a $500 10k ltc order.
Ismael: I'm just saying, I say with 90% certainty that the price will be back @ $.048 by tommorrow
zeroquest: the jump is real, if it'll hold or not... who knows.
DiCE1904: still need more market use for LTC
brunic: 10k ltc order for 50 btc is me
Ismael: I'm not one to make bets, but if I was, I'd put a 10k LTC bet that the price will be back down tomorrow
zeroquest: I see a $500 10.7k order LTC/USD
zeroquest: @ .0489
This just shows further the FUD nature/pump and dump of LTC. That, and the graphs for trade price / volumes. I could understand the first peak and relax, but not the volume on the day, or the repeating nature of pump dump.