What s the problem?
I couldn't pay all the bitcoins for my shares straight away but I sent the rest 3 days ago and emailed him but he hasn't replied and my shares are still on-hold, I am very worried that they wont be activated and I wont get the share multiplication and/or that I wasted my money all together.
EDIT: and before I sent the rest he was in contact with me, it was only until after I sent them all that he stopped replying.
If you could not pay the order WHY would u send partial payments??
I mean I have purchased from him several times and every time I received my shares. You do know there are hundreds of clients and still you intentionally created a problem for Chris and yourself and now you complain.
I actually asked him that question in September and he said it was perfectly ok. He said you can order it whenever you want just let him know after you pay it in full. I asked him in advance to make sure it wasn't going to be an issue of any kind. I did it twice and asked him if he had any issues with it to let me know and he never mentioned not to do so again in the future. Its just unusual for him lately to not be as responsive as usual. However, it is also known people have other things to do with their lives too. So... if your going to ask for him to manually process your order, you may gotta wait till he gets back to you. I am, and I trust that when he is able to he will reply to me too.