So I used the bitaxetool (through VS Code) and typed the following:
bitaxetool -c config-lv07.cvs -f esp-miner-merged.bin
Flashing proceeded as normal and took about 164 seconds.
Then I Plugged the power in and the LV07 booted up fine. Except it's still in low power mode. Requested voltage is 1.2V but actual voltage is 0.04v. And the power reading is 6w only. Also the fan running at full speed is not as fast as it should be. Data is being received every 30 seconds and is being queued. Everything works in the web interface as well.
I also installed the esp-miner.bin and
www.bin files but it made no difference.
Oh, I forgot to mention the input voltage is 5.3V, so it appears the TPS546 voltage is not at the right level.
Something is still not right...
EDIT: I found the problem. It turns out I grabbed the wrong PSU for my work bench to do the testing. The 5.3 volts I was getting was correct as I was using the 5 volt PSU from my LV06! Doh!
No wonder the ASICs were not switched on.
Boy, do I feel like a clone right now...