I believe that the earnings go in the tip jar and they are paid out equally among the mods of luckyb.it. I haven't seen a single mod put in a personal address, I don't know if that is a rule or just spreading the wealth among the fellow mods.
This is actually a frequently asked question. There is no rule that requires mods to use the tip jar, and in truth it is possible for us to use our personal addresses (or any valid address) without betting. When the jar was started, I made it clear that there was no expectation of sharing lotto prizes - it really was supposed to be an alternative for people that couldn't claim due to the 0.01 restriction. The Internet makes things take on lives of their own, though, and here we are. It's a predictable result, really.
For the curious, I personally control the tip jar key. I do manually distribute the funds equally among the mods, usually when the jar reaches 0.2
BTC (ish) or if one of the mods requests a payment. There's not a fast rule here, but I try to be mindful of both the staff's desire to get regular distributions, and the benefit of sending out large sums.
What a great opportunity to give a huge
thank you! to all the people that have generously supported our work through the tip jar, lotto donations, in-chat rains and to everyone that makes Lucky Bit such a fun place to play! It's a real pleasure and a great honor to serve such a fun, diverse, and wonderful community.