*So it is OK for a mod to tell users on cases when they absolutely feel they need to link something, they should use a shortener. But when a user warns about the potential danger of a cloaked link (and yes its called - cloaked for a reason) its is somehow Wrong? Is there a logic behind all this or am i missing something.
I have nothing against no-link policy in the chat as i have never posted any links in LB i believe, or if i have it was requested and it lead to bitcointalk forums.
The logic is simple.
You were given a warning ban for disrespecting the staff. You're blowing it way out of proportion and there is no need for it. If you want to fight here on bitcoin talk, be my guest, but then you say "I'm allergic to stupidity". If you are, you must sneeze every day because you're being an idiot here. You're picking nits, arguing semantic details that don't even exist, and when plainly explained to in simple terms exactly why you were banned, you come back with this asinine response that totally ignores the actual point.
The point is, you were disrespectful toward staff. If staff asks you to use a shortlink, you use a shortlink, and you
do not come back with snarky commentary. Whether the statement is
true is irrelevant: the statement was
disrespectful to the staff and site rules and that is why you were given a warning ban. The context in which a shortlink was requested had nothing to do with malware and had everything to do with chat spam, and you are trying to make it something it's not.
It's just as easy to post an uncloaked, malicious URL. Your argument does nothing for individual or site security in the first place and only serves to cause trouble. Nobody is being protected by your assertions and nobody is being positively served by this drama.
The sites you visit in your browser, regardless of where you got the link, are your own problem. It's not Lucky Bit's responsibility to individually vet every link posted in chat, but banning links outright doesn't help the problem, so we instead find a simple common ground:
Use Common Sense.
If you'd do that, this entire argument could have been avoided. Common sense says that staff has the final say. Common sense says that site rules are non-negotiable. Common sense says that a one-minute ban is a warning, not a punishment.
PRO TIP: arguing with the staff of an establishment is the best way to get kicked out