firstly lets get the fundementals out of the way.
luke Jr wants to do a hard fork to drop the difficulty because he WRONGLY thinks blocks will take longer to mine due to events of the reward halving.
now to understand this you need to know some basics that luke jr has not factored in.
when a pool solves their block. the solution is based on the work done by just that pool. not the entire network.
its the data processed within that pool that keeps attempting different combinations until it finds a solution.
any 'work' done by pool B is not shared with pool A.. they are separate pools and their attempts are not related in any way.
the work is independant to the individual pool. and not shared. only the end solution is shared.. not the work
so say pool A solves a block in 10 minutes.
if pool B decided to give up and claim bankruptcy. it would not affect pool A's work at all, pool A would still have solved that block in 10 minutes.
block difficulty is not based on network hashrate. but based on the times of each block solved over 2016 blocks.. if its less than 2 weeks the difficulty changes.
so say pool A solved 2016 blocks in a row. it does not matter what the hash power of pool B, C, D, E is. because they have not solved any blocks.
also its not a guarantee that the pool with the top hashpower is going to solve every block. so again hashrate is not important.
now lets get into understanding the scenario
when 1 pools solves a block the other pools dump the attempts and move onto the next one(usually).
now in a nice world of statistics we would love it if when a block is solved the other pools continue on until they too have a solution. and then publicise the average time it takes for each pool to make a block.. rather then just knowing fastest first.(basically having 20 time statistics for each of the 20 main pools, instead of 1)
so my scenario is based on a random number of between 8 minutes to 40 minutes to represent the average times a miner would solve a block.
below is a table that has marked in green the 'fastest first' winner. but also has the average(random) times which the other pools would get a solution if they didnt ditch their attempts.
the reason for including the times is so that if we start to remove certain pools from the table we can see who would be next in line to win in a scenario where some of the pools didnt mine.. all times in the cells are random numbers between 8minutes to 40 minutes.. you too can easily try this yourself
i originally thought about doing 5-20 minutes randomness for the top 6 pools and 8-40 minutes for the remaining 14, to closer resemble pool hashpower percentages
but instead thought 8-40 for all 20 pools would be fairer and less chance of knitpickers moaning.. because the numbers are larger and more fair to the naysayers
so above shows a healthy amount of pools making blocks 8-12 minutes.
now lets take away the pools that solve blocks often. lets pretend that these are the massive mining farms that luke jr presumes will go bankrupt due to the reward halving.
infact there were 20 pools listed. so lets take away the top 10 pools.. because luke Jr's presumption is that pools would take atleast 20 minutes to solve..if 50% was lost.... so lets lose the top 50% as the extreme scenario.. and see how it plays out
now.. this if luke Jr was right would show no miner making a block in less time then 16 minutes.. yet the table still shows 8-12 minutes.. so luke is wrong
now lets instead of thinking that its the top 10 pools that will go bankrupt.. but instead its the smaller pools that dont have a chance of solving as often even before the halving.
so in both scenarios blocks are still being made in 8-12 minutes.
now i want you to try it yourself.. and no before you even think about it, dont put in fake numbers to try to make a fake rebuttle example, be honest to yourself. so that you can see for yourself..
the formula i used is
8,40 is the number of minutes 8 to 40
10,59 is the number of seconds 10 to 59. i done 10 instead of 1 purely for visual aesthetics because single digits look uglier. but you are free to do 1-59 as it makes no difference.
have fun making your own scenarios. and if you are going to be a twog and manually type in data just to fake a rebuttle. your only ultimately lying to yourself. so use honest random formula not manual numbers.
and you will hopefully come to the same conclusion i have.. that if pools drop out due to less rewards, it wont cause longer block solvings. because as i said if pool B drops out it wont affect pool A's work in any way