I have been one of the Candidates in the recent election. I didn't make it to the second round. The essence of my platform was:
choice for the users,
bitcoin development, and
privacy & anonymity
I have struggled to continue fight for choice for the users moving forward but have found this process very daunting. In sum, if users do wish to support a candidate, I urge them to do so, but if they don't, I think they should not have to and should be able to vote "Do Not Approve." The Executive Director worked with me on such a process when I issued a complaint on the matter and a "Yes / No" appeared next to each of four candidate's names in the second round so that you could if you wanted vote "No" for each of the four candidates, or just vote yes for one or two, as the case may be, affording users more flexibility. This was also going to be a blockchain based voting in Swarm; there was not much notice of it, but it seemed like it would address some of the substance of my complaint.
The Swarm system was then almost immediately pulled back (it did not even last a day as a voting system) and the Foundation reverted back to Helios, the system that was used for first round. Notably, the "Yes / No" (effectively, a "Do Not Approve" for the second round) that I had fought for) no longer appeared, and only the candidates' names now appear for the second round, so you are forced to pick one of them in order to proceed, so it would seem. This provides a false choice for voters in the second round and pushes voters to vote for a candidate or not express themselves on the ballot.
You can see the substance of my complaint here:
https://bitcoinfoundation.org/forum/index.php?/topic/1256-resolution-of-do-not-approve-issue-successful-complaint-choices-on-ballot/If you are also concerned about these issues, I urge you to also contact Patrick Murck at
patrick@bitcoinfoundation.org ~ particularly if you wish to express your view on the ballot as "Do Not Approve" instead of voting for any one of the four candidates.
It is also my understanding the Bylaws allow for members to do a voice vote. You may wish to ask Mr. Murck if you can arrange for a voice vote via telephone if the Foundation refuses to allow for us to express our "Do Not Approve" votes electronically. If voter disenfranchisement is going to be embedded in the electronic segment of this voting process, we may choose to use the bylaws to ensure that our will can be exercised regardless of what the political interests of the Chair of the Election Committee may be. To wit:
(Bylaws) Section 4.8 Voting: Each member is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members of the member's membership class. Voting may be by voice vote, written vote or through electronic means as directed by the Executive Director. Cumulative voting for the election of directors or otherwise shall not be authorized.
The new deadline for voting is Saturday, February 28 at 11:59pm EST as per the Bitcoin Foundation staff.
Please help by spreading this message. Thank you.