This is part of a long term strategy devised long before 9-11 to build gas and oil pipelines thru that region in order to give Europe energy independence from Russia. This is in reality a war that began before world war one, and it never really ended. Iraq, Turkey, and parts of Syria will be chopped up and formed into new autonomous regions ruled by different religious sects as well as the Turkish government. Seeing as turkey stands to gain land, and that the pipeline will pass thru its territory, this would significantly increase their geopolitical leverage, so they have a vested interest in cooperating with this plan. This is the whole reason the US has created al qaeda and ISIS. With this influence, they control the opposition and use it to create the proper amount of regional chaos in order to sap resistance as well as provide pretext for meddling in local affairs and allowing the corporate pillage of local land and resources.
"proper amount of regional chaos"
You give the US more credit for being less than stupid than I...
First of all, I wouldn't go so far as to say this is exclusively a US plan. There are many international and corporate interests who want to see this happen. Remember as I stated this dynamic has been in play since WW1. The US just has the unfortunate position of being the hammer that pounds in the nails, and also the country which will suffer the most blow back as a result. I am not in support of this strategy, but it does bring some clarity to the seemingly chaotic events in the region.
As far as my meaning of "proper amount of regional chaos", I was trying to convey that there is a requisite amount of chaos and destruction sought to be created by US intelligence and military forces so that the eventual invasion, occupation, and cultural transformation of the region meets as little resistance as possible when that time comes. By creating civil war the nations fight themselves, expend resources, those willing to fight are killed, and the region is that much easier to conquor as a result. Divide and conquer.
The USA has a very unique perspective on civil war, seeing as it was exactly this method that lost the republic its sovereignty to foreign banks as a direct result of the civil war debt, then leading to the creation of The "Federal" Reserve Bank. Keep that in mind as the media pushes race war in the US. It is not a coincidence. Occupy was the American spring. The same models used to destroy societies abroad will eventually be deployed here. So far they have just been dipping their toes in the water domestically probing responses and readiness of the civilian population. The big show hasn't even started yet. That circus in the middle east has its next tour date listed in the US. It will be the same ringleader, just different clowns.