Thanks you, but this is not the question. Assume the sigs verify. see above response
verify ( signature, digest, pubkey ) method returns either 1 or 0
Note, that this method doesn't depend on any other variables. it does not know anything about satoshi sighash types.
The msig script m-of-n is valid if there are at least m hits of positive verifies
And how to treat the x if the M sigs all use different sighash types?
My confusion is not about the actual signing or verifying step (of course I was quite confused about that till I got it working), but rather how to interpret the resulting signed tx.
A tx has multiple inputs and multiple outputs. But the inputs and outputs range from being totally indpendent to totally dependent and multiple sighash types within a single input seems to create a large number of implementations possible that all follow the rules and all end up with a different result.
It is the semantics of the different SIGHASH types that still confuse me. SIGHASH_ALL is thankfully used for majority and that is simple. The signature assumes everything is the same, no changes allowed. But the others do allow the tx to be changed. So what happens when we have M of N sigs, some that allow the tx to change and others that dont?
Maybe there is some actual documentation that describes things clearly?
Is the rule simply that if all the sigs verify for an input, we treat that input as verified fully? There is no possibility that a SIGHASH type that is different can invalidate the validity when it interacts with other SIGHASH types?
Like the SIGHASH_SINGLE, it appears to require a 1:1 correspondence of vins/vouts, but the different vins are independent. So if one msig signer uses SIGHASH_SINGLE and another uses SIGHASH_ALL, then the SIGHASH_SINGLE would be valid for more tx than the SIGHASH_ALL, so it makes sense that if the tx changes to invalidate the SIGHASH_ALL then the M of N is now M-1
I think that makes sense, but all combinations of SIGHASH modes needs to be well defined. I havent done the full matrix of possibilities yet, that is why I posted. I was hoping that such a thing was already thought through and documented