It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
"privatekeywarning" : "CAUTION! Keep this private! Anyone who has this key can spend your money!"
"checkingbalancetitle" : "How do I check my balance?",
"checkingbalancetext" : "To see the balance of your address, search for it on (the address is the one on the upper part of the print out, don't confuse it with the private key!). You can copy-paste it from here and bookmark the result page for easy access later.",
"selectedlanguage": "English",
"header": "Accept Bitcoin donations today!",
"lead": "Actually, you'll be set up in just a minute, it's that simple. Press the print button below to print the page. Cut along the dashed line and save the lower part in a safe place. Put the upper part up on a wall. You're done.",
"printbutton": "Print",
"learnmorebutton" : "Learn more",
"printpagetitle" : "We accept
Bitcoin donations",
"printpagetitletooltip" : "Click to change this text",
"btcaddresslabel" : "To donate, please scan the QR code to the left or send bitcoins to the following address:",
"btcaddresslabeltooltip" : "Click to change this text",
"generatelabelbitcoinaddress" : "A brand new Bitcoin address is being generated for you!",
"generatelabelmovemouse" : "Please move your mouse around to add some extra randomness to the generation process...",
"publicareaintro" : "Bitcoin is a digital currency, available to everyone, everywhere in the world. It is open source and decentralized, not controlled by any single entity. It can be sent between individuals without involvement of banks or credit card companies. Transactions are practically instant and with very low fees, often completely free.",
"publicareaintrotooltip" : "Click to change this text",
"publicareafooter" : "Receiving Bitcoin donations is easy! You'll be ready to go in less than a minute at:",
"singlelabelprivatekey" : "This is your private key. It is the key to your money, the only way to retrieve your money, so make sure you keep it safe. Your private key is represented here in two different formats. To the left as a QR code and below in the \"wallet import format\" that can be used to import your key into various online or desktop wallets.",
"privateareainfo" : "If you want to check the current balance of your address, go to and search for your Bitcoin address (not the private key, always keep the private key to yourself, the Bitcoin address is the one in the upper part of this page).",
"whatisbitcointitle" : "What is Bitcoin?",
"whatisbitcointext" : "Bitcoin is a digital currency, available to everyone, everywhere in the world. It is open source and decentralized, not controlled by any single entity. It can be sent between individuals without involvement of banks or credit card companies. Transactions are practically instant and with very low fees, often completely free. Learn more about Bitcoin on or ask a question on Bitcoin StackExchange.",
"payingfeestitle" : "Do I have to pay any fees?",
"payingfeestext" : "As the receiver of a transaction you never have to pay any fees. The person who sends the funds sometimes has to pay a small fee, but with Bitcoin the fee actually is small, as in a few cents.",
"isthissafetitle" : "Is this safe?",
"isthissafetext" : "Everything on this page is executed in your own web browser using javascript. Your Bitcoin address and private key was generated by your computer and has not been shared with any other computer or human being. (You can even download this page and use it on an offline computer.) If you keep your private key safe, your money is safe.",
"iwantrealmoneytitle" : "But I want \"real\" money!",
"iwantrealmoneytext" : "Well, first of all, Bitcoin is real money. Consider using your bitcoins to buy stuff from one of all the merchants that accept Bitcoin. If you still decide that you want to convert your bitcoins to dollars or some other currency there are a number of ways to do that too. Check out this list of exchanges.",
"howdoiusebitcointitle" : "How do I use my bitcoins?",
"howdoiusebitcointext" : "In order to use your bitcoins you need to import your private key to a wallet. There are many different wallets, some that you download and run on your own computer and some that are web based. The simplest way is probably to create a wallet on and to then select \"Import / Export -> Import Private Key\". In just a couple of minutes you'll be ready to send your bitcoins to anyone, anywhere in the world.",
"pleasedonate" : "Please donate if you like this page:",
"pleaseenternewtext" : "Please enter some new text:"