Litecoin and other POW Bitcoin-variants are just new bitcoin blockchains with new names and a couple of superficial changes to how it works. They are an attempt to increase the bitcoin-like-currency money supply, which hurts peer-to-peer currency as a whole by reducing the integrity of the scarcity of its money supply. Without supply scarcity, a currency can't hold value, which makes it less useful.
It's always nice to see someone else who gets it.
So world of warcraft gold and eve online currency and second life lindens and such all become more and more valueless as more and more such things come into existence?
The more MUDs there are, each with their own variety of MUD-gold or MUD-currency, the less second life lindens are worth?
This seems like crazy talk. Surely as more and more virtual currencies and game currencies are observed to be exchangeable with fiat currencies the more all virtual currencies and game currencies gain in credibility as potentially of value?
If even BBQcoins have value, as evidenced by someone paying 100+ litecoins for 40,000 BBQcoins, then heck, darn near any such thing could turn out to have value, and if even far-fetched ones have value surely the granddaddy of them all, bitcoin, must be supremely valuable?