I think we need a system like a decentralized autonomous exchange.
I don't say one with a coin tacked onto it either..
What i envision would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay harder to make than Bitcoin was at first.
So i don't see any advancement in that area any time soon.
I'm thinking of a system that is automated as possible that would allow trading of coins etc
But i have seen nothing so far that is like what i envision we need.
We need to push in the other direction to be more centralized and compliant and standards based.
Exchanges are business's designed to make money.
Problem is they are controlled by select people who have far too much power.
And they can too easily be corrupt.
Worse of all is there is no over sight or laws / regulations governing them.
They can literally do anything and get away with it.
If Mark from Gox had been pressed with regulations and forced to have financial transparency it would have been different.
He was given 100% freedom to screw with shit in the shadows as he wished.
And you all all enabled him to do it by acting like cheerleaders.
Because your small tiny little profits depended on it..
You trust people who run exchanges these days ?
I don't trust ANY of them at all !
The system is broken and that is where the coins get their most usage..
It's where they are usually bought & sold ..and die.
I had quit long ago arb'ing coins because the stability was gone and dead.
During coin pumps all too often an exchange would randomly have network issues
and your transfer would only show up AFTER the pump was long done.
Sending coins in a consistent time frame was no longer possible.
Your Doge coins may show up in 5 minutes or be gone for 3 days or 3 months.
Kind of a nasty kick in the fucking teeth when arb'ing coins in a volatile market.. with wild swings because of "pumpers"
The coin itself is only part of the equation of "stability"
In a way the exchanges are apart of the coins.
Which coins don't end up traded on centralized *potentially corrupt* unregulated exchange business's ?
NONE.. they all end up taking the same path ..which is NOT STABLE !
Far from it.. it's broken !
How many exchanges have cried i wuz hacked ?
I lost count..
Circuit Coin Design ? WTF ? LOL