I am making this thread for ones to protect themselves from being compromised. You may add this to your sig to spread the knowledge for ones to protect themselves from being compromised.
Note: A) Lastpass is freeware, but for some stuff you can pay, but the general use of lastpass is freeware. LastPass Password Manager is closed source, though many of the extensions can be run in a non-binary mode where the source is available, but LastPass maintains all rights.
Note: B) Keepass is freeware. KeePass is an open source password manager.
Note: C) Password Safe is freeware & opensource. (Courtesy of traderjoe)
A) https://lastpass.com/
B) http://keepass.info/
C) http://passwordsafe.sourceforge.net/
Create an account with lastpass, use a strong master password. Don't ever forget your master password, as you are the only one that has it.
You may download Lastpass as an Application or as a browser addon for, Firefox, Chrome, IE, etc.
Lastpass application. Download, install, input email that you used to register with lastpass and the master password you created. Get familiar with the program.
Lastpass addons. Install the Lastpass addon that is appropriate for your browser. Once done, you see a Lastpass icon somewhere in one of your toolbars of your browser, input the email you used to register with Lastpass, into the Email section of the login area then following by your master password that you created.
Keepass, is all saved encrypted with one master password on your pc. No cloud servers or nothing. If you use keepass, backup your file in a truecrypt container file on a cloud server like dropbox or as wuala encrypts data on your pc before it gets sent to wuala servers.
Here is a How-to for Keepass. http://keepass.info/help/base/firststeps.html
Also, I would and no doubt this has saved me from a lot of bad stuff, recommend MVPS hosts file.
You can use this on linux, rooted phones and Windows, and probably other stuff that use hosts file.
http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htmmvps now supplies the hosts file with's. Below no longer needed. Scratched out.
If you get notepad++, you can ctrl-f, click replace all with .Example. fr.a2dfp.net > fr.a2dfp.net
By doing this, you save a lot of space.
And you leave
Tomatocage[EDU] How to spot a scammer (Read this before doing any transactions!)============================================================================================By
escrow.msClickable link - Keep your system updated and stay secure. Tips to avoid viruses trojans============================================================================================Avoid Link-ScammersAvoid Link-Scammers============================================================================================An option too up your google account security.The security question for google, allows you to change it to a custom question.
I took with my lastpass addon and generated a character password with Show advance options ticked, everything ticked to make your password the strongest. Copy generated password, paste as security question.
Go back to generate a new password and generate a new password with highest strength possible, copy and paste for the answer.
Save/update google settings.
Open a secure note for lastpass and keep these two generated password stored under its title question/answer, which is protected by your masterpassword for lastpass.
It's just a blockade against a security question attack on your google account or any other account that has this security question feature.
============================================================================================As always, comments and suggestions are always welcomed to better these techniques as I will do my best to fill them.If you have enough character count in your signature please represent this in your signature.
[url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=159424.msg1685280#msg1685280][size=8pt]Stay Safe.[/size][/url]