Yes, but where is the faucet? I click on the link, see a blog, click on claim in page's bottom, and I'm redirected to a movies site.
Nice, but in this case you are operating in two different lottery sites, right?
Example: paste a link here, when we click the link, we would be redirected to a page with many ads, next (maybe after 5-10 seconds), must click on a button to be redirected to the faucet page (with more ads, captcha and claim button). Doing this, can you double your income to pay higher rates to users?
Also many admins will exploit member's patience so those 2 pages could become 4 or 5. And in the end page the faucet can turn into a pay per download (PPD) all kind of infected game/app cracks or suspicious software.
I prefer to Refresh or Reload the same page for a claim and to support admin in same time but not getting redirected to all kind of shrinking services (or not) which may lead me or naive kids into infected or phishing pages. So i won't be a member of such faucets even if they promise me 1000 satoshi/ 15 minutes.
Can you guarantee that the next (redirected) page is clean or will not install an infected cookie and such or is not a phishing page or will not bring a porn popup to a kid ? nobody can.
2 words :
Totally disagree
thumbs down .
I know you meant redirecting to an internal page but refreshing the same page is almost the same thing and this idea is already sustaining faucet games right now. In fact faucet games have menus which sends you on another page . Thats why faucet games lasts longer that a normal scrypt faucet.
Ok, thanks for your feedback about it.