12.1 info
The Network is doing well (update)
- Miners are at 100%
- Masternodes around 77%
but Merchants ,Exchanges ,3rd Parties ,.... still need time ,so there is NO rush to switch Enforcement back on again - no date is set yet ; )
(as we do NOT wanna leave anybody behind)
*snipped image*
I'm sorry to hear that as we did commit to a specific date in the official announcement of 12.1 and Amanda repeated that date
in her YouTube show as well.
Now we have an extra delay in having our budget proposals up and running and have missing MN payments because payment enforcement is still off.
There really is no big rush as 91% of miners are on 12.1 and paying properly (which fits nicely into the theory that only 10% of the human population lacks morality) True, they're getting away with theft, but it's not crippling the network, and we have to go through this every time we spork, so no surprise.
It's more important that things go smoothly. And right now, it's the Masternode Network that is being sluggish and not upgrading. The strange thing is that they're not getting paid more often or anything, and they're prolonging the enforcement date. The only reason I can see for this is that they're unaware that we're sporking. It's been a long time since we've had to do anything with our Masternodes, it may be that they've stopped keeping track on what's up. Frankly, I'm surprised at this situation.
I'm guessing the masternode owners who haven't upgraded will do it quicker once they notice payments have stopped.
I'm worried it's not greed, but simply inattentiveness that is the cause of this
There may be a lot of people that set this and forgot about it! They don't check on their MNs or something??? What other purpose could there be? My nodes have all been paid OK, so I can't imagine they're getting paid more often. So... what other explanation could there be?
Could of course be that some have yet to understand how to upgrade or that others are not in the position to upgrade at this time due to trips, family matters or whatever. If someone does not have their cold wallet available, they cannot issue the masternode start commands even if the VPS clients are updated and ready. It was pretty much the same last time around, remember the fork a half year ago (?) that was caused to the network being on different clients prior to
Give it some time and those not yet on the new 12.1 will get onboard shortly, they have the economic incentive to do so
everybody please remember
this is bigger than your or my MN payments by now
we are running a 100 Mill + Network and have to maintain and support our Merchants , 3rd Parties,... and whatnot
No idea where Amanda got her date from
but as far as i know she did not check with the team -
as usually they/we do not give a out a date (as obviously this has to be flexible as nobody knew/knows how fast or not an update happens)
so everybody relax
enforcement coming soon , but not now ..... when ready
https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/version-12-1-release.12985/Who is required to update?
It is imperative that ALL users of the dash client update to the most recent version of the client as soon as possible. End users, miners, pool operators, exchanges, and masternode owners have until Sunday, February 12th to update. After that date, we will switch completely to the new version as soon as our engineers determine it is safe to do so, and older versions of the software will drop off the network.
At this point i would like to know which exchanges/third party's have not upgraded yet and if there are plans to re-evaluate our communication methods with them as their update is appearently vital for us to move forward.
I would also like to know when the budget proposals will enter the 12.1 system as community members will also need time to have their own budget proposals re-entered.
I assume most of them are waiting for enforcement "on" to have their budget proposals re-entered in the 12.1 system.