i have ram set at 150mhz, after checking it shows its actually at 1361mhz when i bitcoin mine.
So my question to you is how exactly do i lower my ram to 150mhz? what utility? what flags? Suggesting an action is good, but I need to know how to lower my memory mhz more. This card can hit 5.5ghz to 6ghz memory.
MSI Afterburner: http://event.msi.com/vga/afterburner/download.htm
You'll need to close the program and reopen it after changing the memory clock to the lowest in order to lower it further.
I run all of my 7000 series cards at 300MHz and get little to no change in hash rate. If you want to further increase your Mh/s, try CGMiner and the following settings:
"intensity" : "7",
"vectors" : "1",
"worksize" : "256",
"kernel" : "diablo",
yes, i remember I used to do this with some problematic 5830's.. (well, I'd switch between one and another if they werent synchronized & it'd then allow me to lower the memory lower)
but with my MSI 7850 and 7870, the lowest it'll go is 600 in afterburner.. i can quit and reload and it's still 600. ulps is disabled, 'extend official overclocking limits' is checked, powerplay is disabled, config file is changed
UnofficialOverclockingEULA = I confirm that I am aware of unofficial overclocking limitations and fully understand that MSI will not provide me any support on it
UnofficialOverclockingMode = 2
and i've tried trixx, barelyclocked, gputweak, ... everything but RBE basically
i know it's possible, since it comes with 2 performance levels, and the 1st performance level is 150 memory 300 core
it's all a bit puzzling
anyway, the 7850, i can run at 1100-600 and it still doesnt go above 55oC
the 7870 is problematic