Nope, just got home , ive been trying everything possible but I think im starting to confuse what I had remembered with what I've being trying
Stop trying. You'll only confuse yourself more and make it harder to remember.
Start by assuming that the coins are gone for good and coming to grips with the loss. Hoping that you can recover them is increasing your anxiety at the possibility, and delaying the process of overcoming panic.
Next sit in a quiet room. Turn on some of your favorite music. Get a pen and paper. Try to clear your mind of any other concerns you have right now.
Think back to the date and time when the password was entered. Don't try to remember the password. Don't try to remember anything you were doing with your wallet. Think about other things you were doing at that time. Where were you sitting? What time of day was it? What was the weather like? Was the TV on? Was there anyone else around? Scent is strongly linked to memory. Was dinner cooking? Were you drinking coffee? Was someone wearing perfume/cologne nearby? What had you been doing before you started messing with your wallet? What did you do after you finished messing with your wallet?
Now that you've got your mind focused on the day and time and various memory triggers surrounding the wallet, close your eyes and think out what you saw on the screen. Can you visualize any of it? Where on the screen was your wallet located? What other programs (if any) did you have open at the time? Picture the window for entering your password as best you can remember it.
Now, what fuzzy things do you remember about the password? Approximate length, sounds or letters that caught your attention. ("there's a z in there? huh, that's unusual", "trmp, hmm, that almost looks/sounds like tramp", etc). What specifics do you remember. (First letter? First 2 letters? Last letter? Last 3 letters?, "It definitely has the following letters somewhere in the middle.", "I remember these 2 (or 3) letters were all together in this order.").
Write down whatever you can remember. Get it on paper so that later when you are trying variations you don't mix up what you remembered with what you tried.
Once you've spent some time relaxing, focusing, visualizing, and writing, get some sleep. Go to bed and drift off while thinking about what else if anything you can remember about the password. Keep paper and pen next to the bed. When you wake up (in the middle of the night and/or in the morning) think for a moment about your password and if there is anything new you remember about it.
Now take that paper and use the information from it to configure a brute force script (there are a few good ones in the forum, you can search for them or write your own).
The more information you can remember the more likely you are to reduce the possibilities to something that can be brute forced. Just remembering the position of a single additional character can make a HUGE difference in the amount of effort necessary. It you can't write or configure a script on your own, find a trusted member of the forum who can help you. There are several well trusted members with both the ability and interest in helping you get a script up and running if they think there is a possibility of recovering the password with the info you can provide.
There are even some who you can trust with your wallet.dat who will run the script for you and send you the bitcoins if they succeed.