I now have 8 of the Rosewill rhb-520's, they come with a 4 amp psu and can run 8 sticks and a arctic fan, I like to run 1 less stick to give the hub some head room. 25 sticks in 4 rosewill hubs gives me a full 333mh/s per stick. Bfgminer has had good up times, 3 days or more before I'm screwing with it and end up restarting the miner. 2 Pi's running Minepeon 2.4 and bfgm, pool reports 16.7gh/s. Rejects under 0.3% and HW errors under 0.7%.
I'm hoping to get my modified atx psu to out put it's rated 5v 36 amps so I can power all my hubs and run 8 sticks in each, 32 total sticks times 2 mines, I'll need 32 amps. That may be pushing the psu a bit.