I'm not about to go on a crusade but if I can convince one person not to give his money to rabid ideologues who are trying to destroy our society than that is better than nothing.
fair enough.
though, you realize, the majority (at least state side) generally agrees with hollywood, right? i mean, not to extremes of 70 genders and whatnot, but gay rights are good, guns are bad, etc. thus, they've effectively already changed society, they're not just trying to. they're the front of the changing tide.
mind you, i am not stating that this is a good thing or a bad thing, it just IS a thing. it's how things ARE, regardless of our opinions. by all means, work for change you'd like to see. everyone should. just recognize that sometimes you're in a minority. as i think is the case with star wars and disney. again, for better or worse.